Revealed Identity

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Alexander's POV

Her words are on replay inside my brain. It's been two weeks since the incident, but her words still haunt me.

I was almost raped.

I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that was what had happened, but I still held on, I still hoped that that wasn't the case.

I still wish it wasn't.

But I admire her more than ever.

I know the people at school bully her because she is a nerd, weak. The usual cliche.

A title they gave her, so that should mean she's under all of us. That they tower over her and everyone who doesn't have a title of a jock or Queen B.

They give out titles to give themselves power over others.

They're wrong. They need to get themselves off their high horse and see the world for what it really is.

High school should be about academics. Instead, it's all about power and social groups.

You could get celebrated for throwing a 40 yard touch down pass, but when you get an A on a school assignment which everyone else flunked, your considered an outcast, a nerd.

Amy represents the true meaning of High School. She doesn't go and lower her standards just to be popular, no. She focuses instead on her academic career.

People can call her weak, but what they don't know is that she is actually stronger than all of them. I've only been here two weeks, and I can already tell that she's truly superior to us all, whether she or they know it.

Not only in IQ, but in physical strength. She could beat them up if she wanted to, but she doesn't.

She's strong when she's bullied because she doesn't do self harm. I hope. She doesn't let it get to her.

She moves on, ignoring most of the words tossed to her. She's strong because she doesn't let that get to her.

And the events from two weeks ago proved she's stronger than what I thought.

She was able to protect herself with self defense, she was able to fight off her attacker for a long time, she is the definition of strong.

Although I feel pain and disappointment in myself for not being able to protect her. For not being there in her time of need.

I want to make it up to her, but I don't know how.

All I really know about her is what her files told me. She lost her mother to suicide at the age of 12, she has three siblings and her father is a drunk ass.

That's all I know. I know nothing about her personality or her likes and dislikes.

I could try to go up and talk with her, but I'm afraid she will run away screaming or something worse.

To be honest, I'm afraid of her rejection. Which is why today during gym I was watching her with a longing look.

I know I caught her eye a couple of times, but I just couldn't bring myself to go speak to her.

Gosh, I sound like a love sick preteen.

I need let out some steam. I'll head to the underground later today.


Black Rose is fighting today. According to my sources, he comes here every Friday.

"Hey, are you going to have a rematch with Black Rose or not?"

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