Chapter 13 - The Cover Up.

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~C H A P T E R
T H I R T E E N~

Ramona's POV.

My chest heaved as my body quivered and I find it hard to control my breathing. Despite the fact that all of this was happening, it was all for a good reason.

"How's that for head?" Ricardo says with a grin and I blush as he pulls his pants up after he stands.

"Being the fact that I have nothing to compare it to, I can't help but say that it was the best thing I ever experienced."

He smiles and then extends his hand to help me off the table I was sitting on. "Thank you." I say as stand then pull my skirt down.

"Homework?" He asks as he walks towards his bedroom. "Nah, I think I'll be going home, if you need help with anything just let me know." I say as I follow.

"Okay, I'll make sure to call you if anything." He picks up my travel bag and my school one. "I have to be at school early tomorrow so you have to be up early." He says as he walks towards the door and I collect my phone.

"There will be no need, my mom texted me earlier and said that I'll get my keys when I return home." He stops and turns around.


"I'm going to miss having you in the car with me." I chuckle and his face looks sad. "What is there to miss when all I do is sit around?"

"Your presence." He continues until we are down the stairs, his presence is lovely but when he's not around it's not that serious.

I was back home and standing outside waiting was my mom. Ricardo got the door and then my bags. "You don't have to take them up to my room, I got it from here." I say honestly, the bags weren't that heavy and he didn't have to waste time to just put them down.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He says putting one bag down and another ontop. "Why ever would I do such a thing?" I asked pushing him up against his car then leaning on him and gripping his shirt.

"You know, this is the second time today you've pushed me up against something."

"Uh ooh, is that a complaint I'm hearing?"

"Of course, not! I freaking love this aggressive side to you, reminds me of Bella when she just woke up after she turned into a vampire." I chuckle and continue to grip his shirt.

"Please tell me that you're trying to tell me that I looked as hot as she did."

"That baby, is exactly what I'm trying to say." He grins and I smile.

"Good." I tilt my head up to kiss him and he tilts his down so our lips meet. "See you tomorrow." I say softly as I take my lips off his.

"See you tomorrow." He says then I take my bags up and look at my mom, best believe her face beamed brighter than the sun.

Good, I guess she liked the show, all the more reason to get off my back. "Oh honey you're glowing." I roll my eyes and she chuckles.

"It's nice to see you after being away for so long mom." She hugs me, "welcome back Gem."

"Thank you, is dad back?"

"You're welcome and no, he'll be back tonight."

"Okay. Did Artemis leave?"

"No, she's in the kitchen, you can put your bags down then meet us there."

"Okay." I proceed the stairs until I got to my room. The first thing I did when I got up there was to check my phone for any message at all from Aphrodyte.

There was none and I felt a little sad, I mean, this is what I wanted, for her to leave me alone... well at least I thought.

I obviously didn't, because now I feel really bad for letting her have that look on her face after kissing Ricardo in that way.

She kissed me yesterday and I liked it, but a few seconds after her lips touched mine, I flashed back to when I was 8 years old.

Everything from that age up until now flashed in my head and I panicked, yelled and hoped that no one saw her do what she did.

I liked it, I wanted to to know what it felt like to kiss a girl, with tongue and all.

But covering up the fact was all I could do, deep down, there was still this bit of fear attached to the entire situation.

So that's why I did what I did, aside from everything else I was afraid so I went back to Rick's hoping that sleeping with him again could erase my feelings, they were still there, so we did it again today right before I left his house and nothing changed.

I was here in this moment, hoping that Aphrodyte hasn't given up on me, but it appears as if she has, I sigh and walk out of my room.

"Ramona! Look, I got a pussy!" I laugh as I enter the kitchen and my sister shouts. You know, for an adult, she's pretty childish.

"That's real sweet, can you take it back with you?" She gasps and I look at her and wonder why. "How dare you call bubbles it!" I chuckle and she rolls her eyes. "Okay weirdo."

"Takes a weirdo to know a weirdo and no, I cannot take bubbles with me so you have to take care of her."

"Uhm no, River died for a reason, no one has time in this house to look after pets." I sit on the stool with my juice in my hand and she holds the cat up to her face and rubs her cheek against it.

"River just lived out his life span."

"Mmm. Mom, why did you allow her to get a new pet?"

"She's an adult, I'm sure she's old enough to make her own decisions plus, she loves pets, I couldn't convice her even if I tried."

"You know Artemis, you didn't have to live up to your name." She chuckles, "I have the name of a goddess, I must live up to her traits." I take a sip of my drink as I watch her with the cat and I think about Aphrodyte, maybe she too lived up to her name.

I wipe my mouth as some of the drink runs over and as my hand brushes against my lip, I remember hers against mine.

I've been trying so hard to not think of her but here I am getting reminded of her by every little thing. I have to set things right, I look at my mom to make sure she's busy and I whip out my phone.

Ramona: Hey, we need to talk about what happened and I need to explain to you why I reacted the way I did.

I hit send and hope for her to answer.

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