Chapter Thirteen: 2000

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September 18th 

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September 18th 

Manhattan, New York. USA 

50 United Nations Plaza 

Numbness consumed her body. 

Numbness consumed her soul.

She looked down at him, his small body curled into a ball.

His tiny fingers clutching a small portion of the blanket beneath him. Black hair curled at the nape of his neck, as dark as hers. 

She looked down at her son, her baby boy and felt nothing. 

Not an ounce of love cruised through her veins. She looked at the child and all she could see was red, black and blue. 

His body served as a constant reminder of the hollow mind. She was no more, the shell of a dead woman, crucified and buried. 

Maybe she did love him but how does a mother claim love when she wishes for her son to die at birth. 

When she wished that he wouldn't make it out of her alive. 

She turned from him, cast her eyes upon the window. 

It was mid-morning, the sun shone majestically,  never diming, never submitting to the please of mortal men. 

She has only seen this city from the confines of their penthouse. Like a Queen, she looks down upon the mortal men, the working class women and everyone in between. 

But how often is that? 

New York has not changed their lifestyle, Padronas still bent their necks and scrubbed the floors like slaves. She had no liberty, no freedom to see this city. 

This penthouse was not like their home in Sciliy or her parents in Tuscany. It did not require much time and was cleaned every day in three hours or more. 

Her master was happier, he no longer shared a bed with her. 

He spends much of his free time with the novelist Sarah, his wife in everything but name. 

She lives with them, like a menage a trois. The mistress of the house. 

She sits at his left, he feeds her, she feeds him. They display their love in front of her and make love in the room opposite hers. 

Tonight was no different. 

She glanced at them, curious as to what love is. 

Will she smile like that one day with someone? Will her cheek redden and her eyes glaze over like that for a man? 


Maybe not. 

Only God knows. 

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