A Reflection Upon A Life

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This poem was written for a Communications project, but I thought that it fitted with this novel, so I am sharing. I hope that you enjoy. 

Note: This is my first time sharing a poem, so go easy on me. :)

"A Reflection upon a Life"


Who is agony?

Who is pain?

Do you know her name?

Is she like oxygen?

Feel her, breathe her but never truly see her.

Maybe she's the devil,

The true personification,

I think I've meet her

But she wasn't terror

She wasn't even a she

She indeed was a he.

I sit and I think why did I go

Would evil have found me still?

And then I ask does it matter though.

It was a beautiful day anyway,

A first for me

A valley of colours

Reds and greens and golds and blues,

Songs of calypso and maybe even the blues

So transfixed I was by such grandeur.

I didn't see him

Staring, waiting, preying

Didn't feel him

The darkness of his being

The death in his walk

Can you blame me?

A country girl out of the slums and in the city for the first time

I have always been naïve.


Have you ever seen the Angel of Death?

No? Well what a mighty beast he is!

A magnificent creature towering over creation

With a face made for temptation

Or maybe sin

Why do I question?

I think I'll give it a rest.

He touched me,

Skin on Skin

It was intoxicating,

Like a bit of alcohol, how fascinating

"Hello" His voice was magic

I would say it touched my soul, the sincerity,

But I think it was the accent.

I guess you can say that it all started with a hello.

Very basic I know.

It takes only a short conversation

To condemn thy soul

A mere hour or so

But condemn it I did

He was indeed rich

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