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Everyday that same boy came in, change rattling in his pocket. Same time, and the same drinks.

Once in awhile he would change it up, grab a cookie or two. Other than that, same old same old.

Old music, stale bagels with a hint of mint, empty booths, thick sticky air. That described my setting.

Not the best place, but I was getting paid for being here.

It was an unusual day in Australia, it was just something in the air; you could feel it.

Maybe it was the fact that the boy was late, I didn't hear rattling change come running in.

Already he was ten minutes late, it wasn't like I was counting; just curious.

Thirty minutes and he still wasn't here, every passing minute I got more curious.

It was around three pm, the usual crowd wasn't here which was odd. Something really was wrong today, did a zombie outburst happen and I not know?

The only other person in the shop right now was my co-worker; Chuck, and he was at the side, where he made all the drinks.

I drummed my fingers against the counter, looking outside for any sign of life. None.

I let out a sigh and walked over to my chair, out of sight.

I took out my hair from its ponytail and put it into a side braid, not knowing what to do in my spare time.

"Excuse me, is anybody working here? I'd like to order!"

I quickly jumped up, hoping Chuck didn't hear the boy screaming for an employee, he'd surely rat me out.

I walked quickly to the cash and smiled brightly at the boy. He was pretty cute.

Tall, long fingers, curly blond hair with a bandana rapped around his forehead. He smiled as soon as I appeared, revealing two huge dimples.

"Can I get three medium Iced Caffè Latte's, and one large iced Caffè Mocha."

I nodded and quickly typed in his order, "$17.50 sir,"

I shook my head at the fact I called him 'sir' , he only looked a few years older than me.

He seemed to notice to, and chuckled. "My names Ashton, you?"

I smiled yet again, as I handed a paper with the order on it to Chuck.

"My name? Well, my name is Cassidee, nice to meet you Ashton."

He was a bold boy, that's all I could say; but bold in a good way. I observed him, not caring if he noticed. Ashton looked around, as if he was on a different planet.

"My friend comes in here everyday, same order, loose change. He's sick, so I picked it up instead."

That's why the boy wasn't here! He was sick, that's why the order was so familiar.

I nodded politely, looking around awkwardly, hoping to keep the obviously dumbstruck look off my face.

Chuck handed my a tray with all the drinks, almost dropping it on me. Turning around I then handed Ashton the tray with drinks, not spilling it on him.!

"Imagine if you spilt it on me, how cliché would that be?" He laughed a bit, like he was reading my mind.

I nodded and smiled, waiting for him to leave. Not that I wanted to be alone, it's just; it was awkward.

"Oh um. Alright thank you, have a nice day!" Ashton smiled once more, showing yet again his huge dimples, then left.

Now it was just me and Chuck, I threw a scone at him. It hit him square in the head, not even flinching. He had head phones, I guess I annoy him.

I jumped up and started writing an order down on a piece of paper, something for me. I grabbed a bill from my back pocket and stuck it in the cash, then handed the paper to Chuck.

He rolled his eyes, but did start making it. I watched him, just incase he decided to spit in it, he's done it before.

A couple minutes later he handed it to me my iced chocolate latte, and sat back down.

I smirked at him then plopped back into my own chair. It was only 3:50, which means I have 10 minutes till I'm done working here for the day.

I walked to the back and started collecting all my things. By the time I got back out it was time for me to clock out, I nodded at Chuck, then was on my home.

If you could call it that, more like zoo.

Loose change // L.HWhere stories live. Discover now