Chapter 25

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Dimitris POV

Lissa barges through the door screaming " Rose is HERE!!" when those words come out of her mouth my body goes into shock.

What am I going to do... If Roz- Rose finds Ava she will kill me for taking her. She shouldnt though , Ava is my child as well as hers.

"Dimitri! Snap out of it! You gotta go!" Lissa says .

Where do I go.. What is a plave she knows I wont go to? I think for a while until a perfect idea pops into my mind.

The cabin.

Rose will never go there if she thinks I still "love" tasha.

I grab Ava and run.

We make it to the Cabin and it just as I remember. Memeories..

I lay Ava down in the crib and wait untill she shuts her eyes and I hear her heavy breathing.

Dimitri what is wrong with you? Why would you do that?! my consience keeps repeating ghe question I will never answer.

Actually I will answer. I took Ava because it was right, she has been out too much leaving Ava with out a parent. Sure my little sister is an adult but she isnt one of Avas parents. There is a difference . Rose was too busy with 'Lucas' to care. Ugh. That bastard, stealing my Roza.

I hear yelling outside and recognize the voice...


What am I going to do... She cant just take me away from Ava. I have to protext her. She is my child.

Another voice joins in.

My sister .

Of cource she would get miced up in all of this. Its what she does best.

Banging comes to the door


here we go. I open the door and she tackles me to the floor.


Rose POV

I have been around all of court but have found NOTHING! Not even a trace of him . But I need to think clever. Always be One steo ahead of the enemy. Where would Dimitri go?

A place where I wouldnt go......

Then It clicked. The Cabin.

I ran outside the doors of the lobby and run.

When I get to the cabin with Vik at my side. I bang on the door and yell "DIMITRI I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!! GIVE ME AVA!" my anger is on such a high level my breathing even vegins to ruffin.

He better be here. Ava is mine, and I Own her. It feel like he has ripped out the remaining half of my heart by taking her.

Then I hear feet coming to the door and all I can think is hoe much I need Ava.

The door opens and I tackle Dimitri.

1 for Rose

0 for Comrade

Here we go.


Hey! How did you like it??!! Im so tired its not even funny. Chao mis amigos.Two updatess in one day. Best day ever. Love yall so much. Please share this book with your friends.


QOTD: Think Rose is gonna kill him?

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