Chapter 27

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Rose;s POV

I run like there is no tomorrow. I need to find Adrian and get back to Russia. As I am running a feel a warm droplet run down from my nose and touch my lip... great. Its blood.

If my nose is bleeding it can only mean two things, either i'm pregnant or i have cancer but if its not one of those then i'm going to faint? this is too much. Focus rose, you need to find Ava.

Ava. That should be the only thought in my mind. I make a few turn and head straight to the faint scent of smoke and the soft sound of a weeping baby. My baby.

Another droplet runs down my lip and I stumble forward , but before I can fully land on the grand a strong arm reaches for me and holds me up.

"whoa there little dhampir," he chuckles "there's no way your getting home from the floor"

who is that, my mind is spinning and my head is pounding like it trying to break out of my head. then the smell hits me, of course its Adrian who finds me.

I look and attempt to look up, he is smiling until he notices whats left of the blood on my face.

"Holy crap Rose!" he lifts my chin up to examine my face "What the hell happened?"

My vision starts blurring and everything starts spinning. I stumble backwards and Adrian catches me , and picks me up like a bride.

"We are getting you help and fast" he says with a worried expression on his face

If I get help they will find me and I will never get back to Russia...

"no, no he-help"

"h-he will f-f-find me"

My mouth is so dry and my eyes cant stay open any longer. I cant stay awake anymore. I close my eyes, and sleep.

Adrian's POV

great she fainted. I don't know whats wrong with her or who she is afraid will find her but I am going to find out. Rose is special and I cant let anyone harm her.

She says she doesn't want help, well i don't care. I'm getting help. Here we go,



Hey beautiful readers :)

I'm back and so is the book, I decided that I cant let you guys down so im keeping the book and will be updating. So with that situated , what do you think about Rose? Do you think she is pregnantagain? I mean how is that possible she never even had .... with Lucas OR Dimitri or anyone in that matter. So how would that even be possible..... oh well.... cant wait for you guys to see the next chapter!! eek!

love you,


QOTD: Do you think rose is pregnant? if not then what do you think is wrong with her?

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