Chapter 8

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I let out a frustrated groan as I pulled my closet doors open for the third time. The first two times had ended with my slamming them closed. I had absolutely no idea what to wear.

For the fifth time I debated texting Peter to ask if I should wear a costume or not. I mean it is Halloween after all, but I did not want to seem ridiculous by asking. I finally decided on a black T-shirt and army green jeans with combat boots. As I stared in the mirror, I realized I looked like Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, so I braided my hair. He probably wouldn't notice, but whatever. I was putting the finishing touches on my light makeup as I glanced at my phone. I was supposed to meet him in 15 minutes!

"Mom! I'm leaving," I called with one foot out the door.

"Okay sweetie! Just don't stay out too late. And have fun!"

I smiled to myself as I thought of my mother, who had most likely never heard of discipline. But there was no need anyway. We were always very close, and as much as I could try, I couldn't lie to her. However, I quickly frowned as I began to feel the harsh bite of the cold October air. I forgot a freaking jacket! I had only a few minutes left, so it was too late to go back home. I just rolled back my shoulders and continued walking.

I arrived at Benny's to find Peter ordering a coffee at the counter. Once he turned around, a grin spread on his face. He then looked over my "costume" and smiled.

"May the odds..,"

"...Be ever in your favor!" I finished for him.

We both laughed, and Peter said, "Hello Katniss Everdeen."

"Hey Peter," I replied, "Nice Star Wars hoodie."

"Thanks, its my Uncle's," his expression turned cloudy for a moment, then returned to normal, "Wait you like Star Wars?"

"Are you kidding? I watched it all the time in the hospital."

"Wait, why were you in the hospital?"


"I uhh, broke my arm in 8th grade. It was a rare fracture so I was in there for a while," I said a little too quickly.

Peter nodded and looked down at me. We both laughed awkwardly.

"So what's the surprise?"

"Ohh, well it's not a super big deal, but they are having a showing of Frankenstein on the Central Park lawn and I remember you liked old movies so..." Peter bit his lip nervously.

"Oh my gosh thank you! That sounds amazing!" Without thinking I wrapped Peter in a hug.
Once I realized what I was doing I quickly pulled away.

In my embarrassment, words began rushing out like a waterfall as my cheeks and ears flushed pink. "Sorry. I'm just really excited because I love old movies, especially scary ones, and I have never been to Central Park. I want to see what all the fuss is about."

I looked up at Peter to find that although the sides of his face were tinged with pink as well, he was beaming.
"No problem, I'm happy you're excited. Wait, you've never been to Central Park?"
  Peter bought us a blanket and a bucket of popcorn from a stand (he insisted on paying), and we found a spot in front of the large projector.

  Peter chuckled as I stared wide eyed and and open mouthed at my surroundings. Central Park did not disappoint. Neither did the costumes. People went all out dressing as various characters. Peter even pointed out a Demogorgon complete with stilts and everything. I took a picture of it for Michelle.

  I tucked my knees to my chest and rubbed my arms. My lack of a jacket was becoming more and more noticeable. I guess Peter noticed too because he asked if I was cold.

"No! I'm totally fine."

He tried to give me his sweater and although the offer was terribly tempting, I denied it. After refusing I refused sweater multiple times, Peter just gently draped it over my shoulders. At this point, the movie was starting, so I decided not to argue. 

Aside from random comments and us throwing popcorn at each other from time to time, Peter and I watched the movie in silence.

Since we were both so absorbed in the film, none of us noticed when Jason Cooper snuck up behind us.

" When I came here to pick up girls, I did not expect to see you on a date with Franken-Parker here." 

I jumped up and whirled around to face him.

"It's not a date. We are just hanging out. And, I do not owe you anything so you cannot be upset." I snarled back.

Peter swiftly stood up.

"Can you leave? We are trying to watch a movie here." Peter tried to act annoyed and nonchalant, but I noticed his hands shaking. I remembered Ned telling me that he does not have a good track record with bullies.

"I only leave if the girl tells me to leave,"Jason growled.

"Then leave!" I glared at Jason with my arms crossed over my chest.

He turned and left, but not before shooting an icy glance at Peter.

"Ughh, what a jerk." I commented.

Peter and I sat back down on the grass, and I put his sweater on. It was too cold.

"Yeah." Peter looked into the distance.

He may have been scared, but something told me he would not have failed to fight Jason Cooper if it came down to it, and that scared me. I did not want him to get hurt, or in trouble.

However, I couldn't deny that the fire blazing in his eyes and his tensed jaw was very attractive.
" So you he just walked you home?" Michelle asked inquisitively.

"Yeah. What else was supposed to happen?"

Michelle looked at me and rolled her eyes as if that was the stupidest question in the world.

" I give up! You know what? When it happens, and you know it will, just make sure to tell me so I can rub it in your face."

I scoffed and elbowed her as we walked down the hallway.

The sound of something slamming against the locker was unmistakable. Michelle and I exchanged a look and ran to see what was happening.

Ned was pressed up against a locker by Jason Cooper.

"Tell that Parker kid to leave my girl alone!"

"I'm not your girl Jason!" I screamed at him, my fists clenched at my sides.

Jason dropped Ned and turned to face me.

"No one refuses me. You better go out with me or else I will make your life a living hell."

"Whatever! Just leave my friends alone. But I will not go out with you," I looked up at him, daring him to argue.

"You spoiled little...,"

A large fist came flying at my face. It seemed to be in slow motion as I put my hands up to shield myself. But right as I was about to get hit, a different hand stopped it.

Time sped up again as I turned and saw Peter Parker, holding Jason Cooper's enormous fist in his right hand.

Peter yanked his arm and flipped Jason. In a daze, Jason scrambled to get up and threw a shaky punch at Peter, who dodged it with ease. Peter then pummeled Jason square in the face. Jason looked crossed eyed at his nose and held his sleeve to it. It quickly stained crimson.

"My office! Now!" the guidance counselor shrieked.

ETHEREAL [spider-man//peter parker] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now