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"Peter, but what if he doesn't like me?"

I rubbed my sweaty hands on the folds of my dress. Peter looked down at me and took my hand. Then, he placed it gently on his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his heart drumming beneath my fingers.

"How could anyone not like you?"

I blushed and looked down.

"Mr. Stark is a cool guy. I promise. Besides, he wanted to meet you," Peter said reassuringly.

"Okay," I chirped, as I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek, "but when is he going to get here? We've been waiting for half an hour."

Peter opened his mouth to reply, when we heard a loud honk from the street behind us. We turned to see a nice black car, the kind you imagine movie stars riding in. The door on the driver side opened, and a stocky man with a scowl on his face climbed trudged to the other side and opened the door. Out stepped the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself, Tony Stark. His eyes were masked behind his dark shades, and his suit matched the color of the car he came in.

He strutted forward, clapped Peter on the back,  and stuck a hand out to me. I shook it, still in awe that I was shaking the Tony Stark's hand.

"Let's go get our table, shall we?" Tony walked into the restaurant, which looked as if the food they served cost more than my house.

The red haired, curvy hostess looked at us and asked, "Do you have a reservation?"

Tony Stark took off his sunglasses and leaned against the podium, as if this was the answer to her question. In a way, I guess it was, as she squeaked, "Right this way Mr. Stark!"

She showed us to our table, and gave us thin papery menus. Peter sat down  on my right, and Tony sat directly in front of me. I smoothed out my dress, placed my white cloth napkin on my lap, and folded my hands on my lap. I was trying to recall all the lessons in manners that my mother had given me.

"So Peter, how's school? Are you still making good grades?" Tony looked at Peter expectantly.

Peter looked at Tony like he was a god. Then, once he found his voice, he stuttered, "Yeah, Mr. Stark. I uhh.. joined band again."

I stifled a giggle, and Peter smiled at me. He obviously idolized Tony.

Tony then turned his attention to me.

"So, girlfriend. Your name is Mia, right?" I nodded, "Peter told me you make him very happy. Not too happy I hope," and Tony laughed harshly. This in turn earned blushes from me and Peter, even though it had been months since he first kissed me.

Tony continued, "And I heard you have an interest in robotics and engineering. Care to elaborate?"

And that was when I started having a full length conversation with Tony Stark about my favorite hobby. Let's just say, I was star struck. He knew so much, and I wanted to soak up all his knowledge.

Peter grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it. I looked at him and smiled. Tony groaned.

"Ughhhh. You guys are so cheesy."

Peter winked at me, and I giggled. I cleared my throat and said, "Thank you Mr. Stark for inviting us."

"Don't mention it Mia. Call me Tony."

Peter looked at me, then at Tony and raised an eyebrow. "Can I call you Tony?"

Tony looked at Peter. "No. To you, I am still Mr. Stark. Oh look, there's our food."

ETHEREAL [spider-man//peter parker] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now