Chapter 12

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"Swallow these three pills twice a day."

I cupped my right hand to receive the little things. One was a chalky salmon pink, another was a dark yellow, and the last one was powdery white.

I took large sips of water to down each pill one by one. My nurse, Alexandria, continued with the discharging process as calmly as someone doing math problems.

Once I dressed in my normal clothes and packed my things, I left my hell of a hospital room.

As I waited at the hospital entrance for my dad to pick us up in his car, I texted Michelle.

Michelle😈💕: You left?
Me: Finally. I was about to break out myself
Michelle😈💕: You want to hang out and get some pizza? Celebrate your freedom
Me: Sounds good. As long as we don't have to go anywhere
Michelle😈💕: Yea. I'll text Ned and Peter. Come to my house at 8
Me: Should I bring cookies?
Michelle😈💕: Heck yeah

"Can you braid back my hair?"

I combed my fingers through my long tresses as I stared at my reflection in Michelle's tall mirror. My dusty rose T-shirt and jeans suddenly seemed too plain. Were my chucks always this dirty?

Michelle grabbed a brush and hair tie off her mahogany dresser. She started parting my hair neatly.

"Are you excited?"

"About what?

Michelle looked at me like I was talking gibberish.

"About seeing Peter silly."

"I see him all the time."

He came to visit me in the hospital often, and we mostly just talked about trivial things. Other times he would just take my hands in his warm ones. We would each be doing our own thing, I would read and he would play on his phone, but we were still connected. Those were my favorite moments.

"It's December already, almost Christmas. You have to speed up this process."

I laughed, remembering our bet. As Michelle tied the rubber band around my the end of my French braid, the door bell rang. It took all I had to keep my composure and not run downstairs to answer it.

Michelle opened the wooden door, and I peeked behind her. Ned came in first, and he gave me an enormous bear hug.

"Easy Ned. I'm fragile, remember?"

Ned laughed and went to sit down on the couch.

"Hi Mia. How are you feeling?"

Peter greeted me kindly, his eyes shining. He was wearing the Star Wars sweatshirt from Halloween.

"Better. But a little sore after almost being crushed by Ned."

We both giggled at my lame attempt at being funny and Peter wrapped me in a surprising hug. The familiar smell of pine enveloped my senses.

"I'm happy you're okay."

"I'm fine. You need to be careful Spider-Man."

Peter pulled away and shushed me playfully. I rolled my eyes and shoved him softly. We both crashed on the plush couch together. I sat next to Peter and Michelle sat in between me and Ned.

We watched Can't Buy Me Love after I managed to convince Michelle, Ned and Peter that it was not that cheesy. I lied.

Michelle fell in love with young Patrick Dempsey, while Peter laughed at the sickly sweetness of it all. The one who liked it the most was probably Ned. He nearly cried at the end of the movie when Ronald and Cindy rode off into the sunset.

Since the first movie seemed over much too quickly, we decided to pick another one. So that's how we found ourselves watching Star Trek. The movies were okay and all, but weeks in the hospital had taken its toll. I was fighting to stay awake during the movie. Before I even noticed, I had nodded off.

I woke up during the middle of the movie with a comfortable pressure on my back. My head was resting on Peter's shoulders and his right arm wrapped around my back and pulled my body closer to his. Soon, sleep over took me and I drifted off to dreamland once again.

"Mia. Mia you have to wake up."

Firm hands grabbed my shoulders and shook me softly. I groaned and forced my heavy eyelids opened. Peter was looking at me with eyes full of compassion as my skin began to tingle at his touch. I heard Michelle and Ned chatting in the kitchen.

Peter extended a hand to help me from the couch. I took it and attempted to pull myself up. Instead, as I yanked on his arm, he lost balance and fell on top of me. We both nearly peed ourselves laughing.

In between giggles Peter asked, "Mia are you okay?"

"I'm perfect."

He lifted himself off of me and sat beside me on the couch. I sat up quickly. Too quickly.


Peter and I both had bumps forming on our foreheads.

"Revenge for the library," I snarked.

Peter was about to reply as Michelle and Ned walked in.

"Guys, I'm not kicking you out , but I'm kicking you out. I'm tired."

We all said our goodbyes and Peter promised Michelle he make sure I was safe at home.

As we walked out the door, Peter and I went one way as Ned went the other.

Peter and I chatted on the walk home and time seemed to have flied by, as we soon saw ourselves on my front lawn.

"Bye Peter. See you soon."

"Bye Mia. Wait, uh I need to tell you something."

My heart started beating as loud as a drum circle.

Peter's mouth began to open as that stupid watch began to beep.

"Actually, it will have to wait."

"Don't worry. Go kick some butt Spider-Man."

Peter smiled at me, and in one swift motion, planted a kiss on my cheek and ran away.

I stood outside for two minutes, dumbfound.

Then, I decided to get some sleep. I needed it.

ETHEREAL [spider-man//peter parker] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now