Becoming friends

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Using social media & meeting new people on there is a normal thing for my generation. At the time I was 19 years old & the most confident I had ever been. I had started dating around recently because I just got out of a long term relationship & have never had confidence before then. I met him through social media & mutual friends. He became my best friend. We would text every day & would never run out of things to talk about. When we hung out it was never boring. We'd go on adventures or just stay inside & watch movies and enjoy ourselves. We had a few fights but nothing ever too serious. All of our friends wanted us to date & thought that there was something more going on between us but we always denied it. When I met him I stopped giving other guys attention because I finally had someone to talk to 24/7 & felt 10 times more comfortable opening up to him than these strangers that I didn't think would be long term. After a few months of being best friends, my other friends were pushing him on to me more than usual. Always talking him up & saying he would be an amazing boyfriend so I had a feeling something was going on. One day me & him we're texting & he finally came out & said he had feelings for me. I was in a tight situation because I was enjoying being single & only worried about what I do but I also didn't want to lose one of my best friends. After discussing everything & him constantly asking if we could try it out I caved in.

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