Chapter 8: The Forgotten and Reunions

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      As Fritz began her descent in the elevator, she felt uneasy. Going to a place she never ever learned the full layout or what is down there about to be with her made her feel scared. But she knew she had to help the cries for help and so she will do that and won't step out now, she made it to far in. She walked over to press the red button to start the elevator's descent to Circus Baby's Pizza World. There were distorted audio clips which seemed prerecorded and very old but advanced enough to detect movement. Her descent was slow but eventually she hit solid ground, she saw the old police tap and the vent. She took out a flashlight and started crawling in. The vent was very short as she soon entered a room with weird mannequin heads and a weird statue, a giant clock of the animatronic she has on the blueprint, and three other vents.

The place was pitch black dark and her flashlight wasn't really helping so she looked around for some sort of map. She found one on the left wall which showed a breaker room which meant it could turn the power on. She entered the unlock vent to still find pitch black darkness. She decided to keep low and quiet for she didn't know what laid in there. She slowly made her way through to the door to find a security panel. She turned it on to find all the rooms and options to turn on power in each one. She did each one individually and got everything back on. As she put down the tablet, she heard heavy footsteps coming to the door.

She knew something was coming so she went to the darkest corner of the room with wires to cover her up better. As she hid, heavy banging could be heard from the door. It got louder and louder until the door gave in and fell off the hinges. She saw glowing green eyes, a giant claw for a right hand, wires coming out everywhere, and pigtails that had holes rotting in them. She soon realised it was the animatronic from the blueprints, it was Baby. But she wasn't herself, she was some sort of freakshow. Baby began looking around and walking slowly around the room.

"I know someone's here. Please do come out. I mean to find you and tell you-you're going to be-" She said as Fritz's mind finished the sentence in her head that Baby is going to kill her. As soon as she thought that she ran right past Baby, of course, getting her attention as she ran as fast as she could through the now brightly lit room. She heard the heavy footsteps behind her, getting closer and closer until she felt that something caught her. She turned to find Baby's face and body disfigured with holes and wires everywhere, sharp teeth on both sets of jaws she has which was her face and her endoskeleton.

Fritz began to scream when Baby's left hand reached out to cover it. She whispered

"Shhhhh. I'm not going to hurt you, but please be quiet, you don't want to alert them." Fritz was let go off but confused with what she meant.

"W-Who others? What others? There are more of you down here?" Baby shook her head as she pointed to her chest to then be opened to Fritz seeing robotic eyes. Two sets of singular blue eyes with one being bigger than the other, one yellow eye, and one red eye.

"Whose are these?" Fritz asked as Baby closed her chest.

"They are my friends, one day a man came down here for an odd reason to which he never said. My friends all got scooped due to us malfunctioning but I wasn't. I was on a conveyer belt on my way to the scooper but something told me to get off and hide, I was off camera. The man went to the scooper chamber the same for an odd reason but came out different, he had glowing eyes and a never-ending grin and was now very thin. I don't know what happened but my friends all laid in there dismantled. Half of the eyes were gone so I attached them to my chest to keep them alive and we have been waiting down here for eternity while the man went up and away. Now you are here... Why?" Baby questioned, this was all very hard to take in for Fritz but she told Baby everything. Baby showed sadness in her eyes when Fritz was finished.

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