Through Glass

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No P.O.V. 🦁

It had been one year since Grey had last seen Natsu. One year  since Grey confessed to Natsu. One year since Natsu left without a word.

For some reason Grey thought that Natsu leaving was his fault for some how pressuring him. After Natsu left Grey fell into a depression because he felt that that was Natsu's way of rejecting him.

~~Grey P.O.V. ❄

Today was a day exactly the same as it has been for the last year nothing special yet something gave me a feeling that today was going to be different.  My heart wanted to make me think that today was the day that Natsu would come back but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

As I was passing a street when I saw a flash of pink. At first my instincts were telling me to fallow it with the slittiest hope that it might be Natsu, but I chose otherwise.

You see this isn't the first time that this happens, when we first figured out that Natsu had left I would always see the flashes of pink. At first I would fallow them but it was never him, after a while I just let them pass knowing that this time wouldn't be any different.

~~Natsu P.O.V. 🔥

Finally back to Magnolia after leaving for a year it shire is good to be back. Now the first thing I need to do is..... get food I'm starving. After that I need to find Grey.

I walked to one of the restaurants that I remembered served really good chicken. When I got there I was a bit disappointed because now it was a café. I am still starving so I guess this will have to do, when I walk in all heads turn to me with wide eyes. "Hey what's up guys long time no see" I said waving to every one in the café.

Out of all of the people I saw Lucy and Erza at one of the tables and walked over to them. "Hey guys how's the guild been these days" I said as I sat down with them "N-Natsu your back" Lucy said pulling me into a hug. "Where have you been" asked Erza "How about we eat first and then talk I'm starting" I said rubbing my stomach "Can I get a chocolate cake please" Lucy asked the waitress. I saw Lucy text some one on her phone but right now I'm to hungry to care.

~~Grey P.O.V.❄

I was headed home when I got a tete from Lucy

L~ Grey come to the café
G~ Which one
L~ The one I always come to with Erza I have a surprise for you
G~ k be there in a bit

As soon as I put my phone away I turned around and started walking towards the café.

After the 15 minuet walk I was finally in the same street as the café. I didn't want to come right in and look dumb walking around looking for them, so I looked through the clear glass window. Once I spotted them I noticed that they were with another person. Went said person turned around my eyes widen like saucers. Natsu

~~~~Natsu 🔥 (before Grey sees him)

As I finished eating my third slice of cake I turned to Lucy "So Lucy how has everyone been" I asked "Well when you first left we were all really worried, but for some reason Grey was the most affected" she said looking up from her phone.

I was going to say some thing but Erza started talking "Yea, grey was the most affected I mean we were all sad but he was beyond sad he fell into a deep depression he wouldn't eat, sleep, and at one point he asked the master if he could leave Fairy Tail" she said and that made me think about Grey.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I say as I get up. When I turn around I see a wide eyed very standing there. A smile quickly finds its way to my face and I run towards him.

Once I am really close to him I remember we're I am and that there are glass windows but it is to late so I hit my head on the window and on the floor when I fall.

I can feel an arm around me and try to make out the person Grey "Hey long time no see" I saw as my vision starts to cloud with black dots then i just passed out.

No P.O.V. 🦁

As soon as Grey saw Natsu faint in his arms probably from hitting his head to hard he instantly got up and ran to the guild totally forgetting about Lucy and Erza.

Once Grey walked into the guild you could hear every one gasp Grey was being asked all kinds of questions like "Is Natsu really back" or "What happened to Natsu" but grey dismissed it all and walked tithe infirmary.

He placed Natsu in a bed and grabbed a chair sitting next to the bed and lates his head on it.

~~~~Natsu P.O.V. 🔥

When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a different place. I felt some thing shuffle on my side and saw that it was grey. He was sleeping and looked so peaceful. Once I got a good lookout at him I could tell that he had lost a lot of weight, and muscle to.

I on the other hand had gained muscle. I started running my fingers through his hair and that must have woken him up.

"Hey Grey how you-" *SLAP* I couldn't even finish my sentence when I felt a stinging on my cheek "What the fuck Grey!" I yelled at him "What do you think?" He asked "Well I don't know I was going to ask how you been but you hit me for no reason" I said getting off of the bed.

"Do you really think that you could just come back and every thing would be ok" he asked with Geary eyes "Well I don't know what I did" I said "Natsu you left for a year. A mother fucking year and go make thing worse you decided to leave the day I told you how I fucking felt for you. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to just tell you how much I love you and for what, for you to just throw it away" he said now full on crying

I was left speech less "wait you said love so go you still love me" I asked "What dose it matter. Do you want me to say it so that you can just leave without saying a single word"  He yelled in tears. By that time I was shocked to hear all of this. I was aware that Grey had feelings for me but I didn't think that they were this strong. At that time I did the most reasonable thing and kissed him.

The kiss wasn't heated or lustful it was sweet all of the love that I had for Grey came in that one kissed. After a while we pulled apart "Why did you kiss me" I heard Grey say "Did you really think that we could go through so much together and I not love to so" I said hugging him and pulling him onto the bed with me and hugged him tight.

"You know what....I have always loved you" I said before going back to sleep but this time with Grey.
I am so sorry if it sucks I am just a buggier I promise I will try to do better next time I did this request for walkthemoon005
Thanks for the idea really appreciated it 🦁🦁🦁🦁

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