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'Ash!' I hear a girl calling me from far. I excuse myself from Harry, turn around and walk towards her. She has her hair tied into a tiny bun, which looks cute. 

'Hey' I say and we hug. She smells like roses.

'What perfume did you put, Ruby? You smell good' I say and she chuckles. 

'Oh well, I think it was something Gucci floral' she tells me and I slick my hair back. 

'Anyway, I apologize for not calling you last night. How was the appointment?' She asks me and my smile slowly fades. It's no use though. Everyone's going to have knowledge about it anyway. Although, I hope this information doesn't reach the media. I slowly begin to spill out  everything, one by one. Ruby listens, and her expression changes as her ears fill with new information about my condition and the consequences of the aftermath result. 

'I am sorry. That's not really good news. Did he say that there might be a chance of you not improving at all?' She asks me with concern. I look at her from the ground, a shin of tear escaping, which I quickly wipe off.

'It fully depends on me.' I tell her, my voice shaking slightly. Ruby notices this and understands, so she doesn't ask me further. She quickly diverts the topic to the camp. 
It's around 6pm and the sun will set in half an hour. The sky is already orange. All the tents are set up. I've talked to a few people and surprisingly, all of them remembered me. I haven't seen most of them since the AMAs party, 2 years ago. Hailee Steinfield told me that I've grown a lot, even though I was only 16 when she saw me for the first time.

I decide to just walk around. It will seem like I'm walking aimlessly around the place, but I'm only admiring how stunning the nature is. The air, the birds chirping, tree leaves falling. All these are giving me winter vibes. It is late November, so it definitely feels like winter. My hair flies around because of the wind, but I still carry on with the walking. As I do so, as always, I accidentally hit someone. Oh crap. I mumble a few curse words to myself. I turn around to apologize to the person. He's wearing a green striped shirt, with skinny jeans. His hair is dark, like mine, and he has some beard. His eyes are the same shade as mine. I have a feeling I've seen him before.

'Oh hello. I'm...I'm sorry' he tells me gently, and I come back from my thoughts.

'No that's alright. I should've been more careful' I tell him and he smiles. He seems to be a lot like me. My heart skips a beat when moves a strand of hair, which was covering one side of my face, to the back of my right ear. He instantly  removes takes them off as well.

'Oh God I'm sorry' he says again and I shake my head.

'Why are you apologizing? It's alright. I'm Ashley' I tell him, forwarding my hand to shake his. He accepts it.

'I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik. It's a pleasure meeting you' he tells me and smiles. I remember now. I saw him at Shawn's birthday two years ago. He came for a while but then left afterwards, so I never had the chance to speak to him.

I let go of his hand when I spot Harry seeing us. I look at him, so does Zayn.

'I'm sorry. Wrong timing I guess. Oh, hello Zayn' he says quickly. Zayn says a hi back. It must be a bit awkward for them to interact.

'No Harry, wait I'm coming with you' I tell him just as he's about to leave. He smiles at me, clearly happy at the thought of me joining him.

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