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I woke up after having yet another nightmare. I don't know what's going on with me. I've been seeing them for quite a while now. Fame is really something I'd throw shade on sometimes. I don't understand why I get so much attention. I'm not a pop star like my brother.

Anyway, I'm going to ignore all of these. I'm joining him on his world tour and it's such an exciting and intriguing experience. I get up from the couch, wear my shoes and step out of the dressing room.

I enter a huge hall, with people running around, almost pushing each other. The show will begin in an hour. I'm currently gazing at every corner, trying to find Shawn. I keep looking and looking. There he was, standing with a guitar strap around his body, his back facing towards me, until I call out his name.



I run towards him and we hug each other. I feel really protected when I'm around him. It feels like all the wrath from people gets destroyed when he's around.

'You're awake. Have you slept properly?' he asks, letting go of me, his hands on either side of my shoulder.

'Yep but I'm still seeing those nightmares'.

'Don't worry. I'll set an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. We'll go together' he says to me with a small smile at the corner of his lips. As an elder brother, he's doing considerably a lot for my well being.

'Thank you' I say while planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

He soon leaves the hall and makes his way towards the stage. I follow him and stop, as he waves at me while I give him a thumbs up.

The crowd starts to chant his name as he walks up to the stage. I watched the 60000 people with satisfaction and honor, because they  have always showed massive support to  my brother, and me as well. Those social media hash tags, votes, camping outside and supportive, lovely messages means a lot to us. It's really hard to comprehend the full situation sometimes.

The uproarious crowd was unbelievable. Shawn left the stage  2 hours later. We're now having our dinner, before we go back to our hotel in London.

'Are you excited for tomorrow?' he asks me

'Yes! I can't wait to visit Madame Tussauds.'

'Huh, I knew it. But we're going to my favorite place first' he cheekily says while smirking.

'NO, Madame Tussauds first. We had a deal, remember?'

'Okay okay, I guess I have to take my baby sis to her favorite place first'

'I'm not a baby, stop teasing me!'

'You're always going to be my baby sister, no matter how big you become'

'Aw so heart touching' I say while pinching his biceps.

Shawn and I drive back to our hotel. It's nearly midnight. I head to my room and as I'm closing the door, Shawn holds it to say a few words.

'Oh yeah I forgot to tell you something'

'What is it?' I ask.

'Niall and his band mates are joining us tomorrow.'

'You mean One Direction basically?'


'Oh. Okay.'

'We're going  downstairs by 10am, so make sure to get ready on time.'

'I should be saying that to you!' I say while patting  his shoulder playfully.

'I admit that I'm sometimes late, but I won't be late tomorrow. My best mates are coming.'

'We'll see about that.' I say, giving him a smirk.

'Goodnight evil sis'

'Goodnight to my-always-late brother.'

I shut and lock the door. I've met  Niall a  lot of times before and Louis and Liam once at an award show. They only came back from their hiatus a year ago and they're supposedly releasing a new album this year. They're all 26-28 year old young men now.
It'll be really nice to see Niall again. His jokes are precious.

I try to sleep, but it takes a while. I am too afraid sometimes. I keep thinking about my nightmares. It is the main reason why I had a hard time during high school. I would never get enough sleep. But I have shown a bit of improvement after graduating. My family was and is still extremely supportive. Shawn will take me to another doctor tomorrow after we're done exploring London. I really hope this doctor can actually help and advice me.

I keep thinking, thinking and thinking. Merely after spending an hour swimming in my thoughts, I finally fall asleep. 

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