Chapter One

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Percy Jackson

"Who came back?!"

"I told you a million times! Nico came back!"


"Nico. Di. Angelo!"

It has been almost three years after the prophecy of seven stopped the rise of Gaea. Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge brought the Athena Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood, right before Octavian was just about to launch the two demigod camps into an all-out war. It was his entire fault, Octavian's, that the two camps were quarreling against each other so much. Turns out that Octavian was a spy for Gaea, and he fled the camp before anyone could catch him. Such a coward he was.

After the seven demigods defeated Gaea and returned to Camp Half-Blood by the Argo II, they heard of the story about Octavian and all. Nico mysteriously disappeared after the conflict was resolved, and he was nowhere to be found. Hazel would get letters every now and then, ensuring her that he was fine. Hazel still missed him and always prayed that he would soon visit someday.

Hazel, Frank, and Reyna returned to Camp Jupiter after they celebrated with the Greek demigods. They returned to their Roman camp a few days after the celebrations and feasts that took place at a very jolly Camp Half-Blood. The Roman camp and the Greek camp were now allies, and Greeks and Romans would be able to travel between both camps whenever they pleased. The only thing stopping them from doing so was monster attacks.

Now here Percy was, completely astounded, by what Jason had just told him: Nico came back to Camp Half-Blood. Was this even real? Wouldn't Nico prefer to go to Camp Jupiter to visit Hazel? Why would Nico come here? Percy did seem to realize that Jason and Nico had formed a strong bond between one another, which really hurt Percy. Nico hated Percy, and that really hurt him as well. It was and wasn't Percy's fault that Bianca died, and he thought that Nico forgave him about the whole event. But, Nico still acted a bit cold to him, and Percy never knew why. He also glared at Annabeth involuntarily whenever they made contact. Nico is someone that Percy would never understand.

He stared at Jason, wide-eyed and full with shock. He opened his mouth to blurt something out about Nico, but Jason beat him to it.

"Before you even say anything, I need to tell you the whole story as to why Nico's even here."

"The whole story? What story?" Percy flung his arms into the air. "Do we even have time for this?! I haven't seen or heard Nico in like what, three years?!"

What whole story is Jason even talking about? Nico, disappearing for three years without saying goodbye, is back at Camp Half-Blood. Percy didn't have any time to waste. What if Nico disappeared for another three years without saying goodbye again?

Percy felt like he was stabbed in the heart three years ago. It hurt that someone he cared for just disappeared. He deserved the hostility that Nico gave to him. After all that happened between Nico and him, Percy could understand why Nico was so cold-hearted. But, was he really that hostile to leave without saying goodbye? And to make it worse, he never even came back.

But, he finally has the opportunity to see the Ghost King again. The only "contact" they ever got from Nico was the letters he wrote to Hazel that she let them read. Percy missed Nico, a lot. He considered Nico as one of his friends, even if Nico will never consider Percy as his.

Jason heavily sighed, realizing just how impatient Percy was. "Calm down. You'll see him soon enough. Nico's not going anywhere."

"And how do you know that?" Percy snapped. "How do you know that Nico won't disappear for another three years or so again? Have you realized how unreadable Nico is? I really doubt you haven't realized it by now, Grace."

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