Chapter Two

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Annabeth Chase

The moon was now high in the sky, so the Sun was now low below the horizon. The stars twinkled gorgeously in the black night sky that blanketed the world, the same black sky that Atlas continued to carry. It was passed their curfew now, so everyone was at their cabins either sleeping or just lounging around with their half-siblings.

Annabeth, though, was doing neither. She was pacing back in forth, her dominant hand on her chin, as she contemplated. Her half-brother, Malcolm, only stared at her with confusion, as Annabeth continued to pace.

“Uh, Annabeth?” Malcolm finally called to her after about ten minutes of pacing. “What…are you doing?”

Annabeth halted after she heard her half-brother’s voice. She glared at him, but her face soon fell at the sympathetic look Malcolm was giving her. She sighed, and Malcolm patted the seat next to him on his bed. She sat on the bed and glanced at Malcolm, who waited for an explanation.

She sighed again, before replying, “I think…well…Percy’s being very oblivious.”

Malcolm seemed unimpressed. “Annabeth, sister, we’ve already known this. Anything else that is actually new to our ears?” He slung his left arm around Annabeth’s shoulders.

Annabeth chuckled, leaning into Malcolm’s comforting touch. “Percy’s just being oblivious about his feelings.”

Malcolm cocked an eyebrow, glancing to face his half-sister. “And...his feelings to whom?”

“His feelings to Nico!” Annabeth blurted out, devastated.

“But…isn’t he…?”

“Yes!” Annabeth huffed, crossing her arms. “I know he’s dating me. It’s just, when Percy and I saw Nico today, I saw the look in Percy’s eyes. He may not have realized it himself—”

“Which is highly likely,” added Malcolm.

“Yes, it is highly likely,” Annabeth agreed. “But, Percy most likely hasn’t realized it. And, I don’t think I could take it if he does realize it and we…” Annabeth’s voice faltered. She was close to tears, but she didn’t want to cry. Especially not in front of Malcolm.

Malcolm patted Annabeth’s left shoulder in a brotherly manner. “Hey, you’ll be fine. You know how oblivious Percy is, right?”

“I know,” Annabeth whispered, barely nodding her head. “But…what if he…? And I mean…I don’t think I could…And what would Nico even do? And…I’m just so…Can I just scream now, please?”

Malcolm lightly chuckled. “No, you cannot wake up your other half-siblings. And, I’m sure Percy wouldn’t break up with you. You both have gone through Tartarus together, for Hades’ sake! You’ve both known each other since you were what? Twelve? And, you’re twenty now! And, you know how loyal Percy is. And oblivious, for this matter. You’ll be fine, Annabeth, really.”

“Okay,” Annabeth managed, sniffling as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Hey, no crying.” Malcolm pouted, wiping a tear that was running down her cheek. “I thought the great Annabeth Chase had lots of pride, didn’t she now?” He chuckled. “Let’s just go get some rest for now, and have a good day tomorrow, okay?”

Annabeth could only nod as Malcolm helped her into her bed. “Thanks…Malcolm.”

Percy Jackson

After Percy waved goodbye to Nico, he returned to his cabin. Well, “sneaked” would be the better term. Percy totally lost time when Nico and he were sharing some stories that happened the past three years. In the middle of one of Percy’s stories, Nico realized that it was most likely way past curfew, and Nico shadow-traveled them back to where the cabins were located, so they didn’t have to go through the forest. Nico almost collapsed onto the ground, before Percy caught him. Shadow-travelling two people really took a toll on Nico. But he said he didn’t mind, but Percy still didn’t want Nico collapsing because of him.

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