Chapter Six

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Nico di Angelo

            Nico fluttered his eyes open. He was very glad he didn’t have a nightmare demigods usually had. Or a dirty dream about Percy. Either way, he was just glad he had a dreamless sleep. It was probably the best sleep he’s ever had. He should sleep here more often. The only thing stopping him from doing so was his stupid jealousy over Percy and Annabeth.

            It was now the next day. There were no windows in the Hades Cabin, so the darkness was still in the room even though it was the daytime. Green Greek fire hung from torches, which were hung along the walls in a crystalline pattern. There were many made beds organized throughout the cabin with black sheets, pillows, and blankets. The walls and floor was black—to be more specific, obsidian. Nico made the cabin, so it was just like how he wanted it to be.

            He should probably leave sooner or later. He wasn’t here at Camp Half-Blood very long, but he was spending way too much time with Percy. Which was a good and bad thing. The good part was: he was spending time with Percy, with much enjoyment as well. The bad this was: he was getting too attached to the son of Poseidon. His feelings are developing the more he sees him, which was very bad. Very, very, very bad.

            Nico sighed. He should probably tell Percy and the others he was leaving, or they would get worried and send a search team for him. And, Nico didn’t want a search team after him. He supposed he should go to Camp Jupiter, since he “visited” the demigods here, he might as well visit the ones at Camp Jupiter, even though people rarely pay attention to him. At least he could go and visit Reyna, Hazel, and Frank.

            Nico pushed himself off the bed a little too fast, making him a bit lightheaded. He sat (collapsed) back down on the bed, so he might as well just stay here. He was too lazy to get up anyway. He couldn’t even tell what time of day it was; there were no windows in the Hades Cabin, like he stated before. He surmised it was the next day. It felt like the next day, But, he didn’t really know for sure, unless he actually saw where the position of the Sun was.

            After a few moments, Nico pushed himself off the bed, slipped on his shoes, strapped on his Stygian Iron sword, and went outside. He never bothered changing into “pajamas” for the night, since he never really cared what he wore to sleep as long as it was comfortable. He supposed he would take a shower later. For now, he should go get some breakfast, if it was the next day.

            He swung open his door and raised a curious eyebrow at what he was met with. He was face to face with Percy Jackson who currently had his hand timidly raised to knock on his door. Well, this was quite a surprise.

Percy Jackson

            Okay, so Annabeth’s plan was really simple. The only problem was: Percy was nonstop shaking from nervousness. He could not do this, even though Nico also liked him. Unless it was a fake conversation; Percy still didn’t have his doubts about that.

            After they talked about the plan, Annabeth suggested they go to sleep because (1) it was nighttime, and (2) he needed a long break before he confessed. Annabeth at first suggested he should just blurt out his confession because they both knew Nico liked him, but it was harder than that. So, Annabeth took some sympathy to Percy and devised a whole new plan. Watch, and you’ll see what it was.

            So, the next day when Percy woke up, Annabeth’s face was literally right in his face. He yelped and jumped as far back as he could against the headboard of his bed. Annabeth was snickering from his reaction.

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