I'll Pay You Later Giselle (6)

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Finally, after that ruckus thing happened in Faustine Residence, Jo and Giselle happily eat their breakfast, of course made by their new professional chef, Jin.

That day, Jin slept more than 6 hours, inside Jo's cold-but-warm cozy room.

After he woke up, he asked the others to came to Jo's room, the place where he's sleeping. He told Giselle the whole story, why did he sleep on top of the handlebar, and all around that.

Giselle nodded understoodly, and burst out laughing at how dumb Jin was.

"Now, tell me, Jin." Jo started to the new conversation topic. "About the cooking thingy."

Jin paused, thinking about what words he should say, and smirked. "Let me tell you a story."

Giselle took a pillow from Jo's bed and hugged it, focusing her eyes to the brown-reddish haired boy.

"The secret is in hobby, passion, and sesame oil." explained Jin, laughed a bit at how mystic he was.

"Sesame oil?"

"Yup, that what makes my dishes tastes the best."

"Tell us more." Jo clapped exaggerately.

Jin cleared his throat in a very awkward way and started.

"Let's turn back time to the old 1998. Whoooshh." Jin acted like a toddler, and creates his own sound effect. It could shatter everyone's ear in a very harsh way.

"My family said I was talented in cooking since 7. That time, I'm not really sure. So does my big brother. My big bro said my food tastes good, but it had no feelings, it's like plain but it's not, understand?"

Giselle and Jo just nodded resignedly.

"About 6 days after my father said that, my elementary school conducted a cooking competition. I'm the only 3rd grader there. My rivals are all from high school. You know how terrified am I?"

Giselle giggled, imagining the young Jin. "It must be very cute." thought Giselle, feeling dumb of herself how could she let herself think that kind of thing.

"I choosed to cook someting including mushroom, carbonara and some salad. And some fish, well I don't really remember. That's what I usually cook for lunch. That's also when I remembered what my big bro has said; 'cooking is not about taste, it's about feeling, and how you mixed every ingredient well'."

"And then?" Giselle questioned him, curious about the ending.

"And I felt something missing from my sight: seasoning! So I ran back to the kitchen, looking for anything left. It's my first time I know my best buddy, sesame oil."

And then he shut his mouth for a while, waiting for the right time to say the ending.

"Who knew, I'm the winner?"

Suddenly, Jo and Giselle clapped loudly to Jin. They stand up, and Jo even hugged Jin.

"Oh my god! Jin you're so cool!" cheered Jo, still hugging Jin.

"Hell yeah I am." proudly, he winked to Jo, and she fluttered.

"Okay. Okay. I could say you're a genius." admired Giselle, not moving from her place.

"Why thank you, so were you." Jin chuckled a little and released himself from Johann.

"But please don't flirt my sister." Jin could see Giselle's red face.

"What? You want me to flirt you, or it's just your jealousy?" teased Jin while put off his gloves and went out searching the bathroom.

And Giselle just left dumbfounded. No answer.

"Well, sister?" teased Jo while showing her smirk.

Giselle growled and slowly punched Jo's bed. "You should have known that, moron." she whispered.

That's when a bruise showed out in Jo's bed. Giselle shocked because a slow punch could also made some bruises in a thick wood bed.

Thank goodness no one noticing her worried face.


That afternoon, Jin took a bath in a hurry, changed his clothes and prepared his stuffs, and finally rushed downstairs.

It's where the two siblings were.He thanked a lot to Giselle and Jo, for lending him a nice place to sleep.

Before leaving, he doesn't forget to open the document, reading every single english word that written in that paper.

"Giselle, come for a second."

Giselle hopped from her chair and went straight to the sitting Jin.


(xx, xx, 2008)

Private message

To: Gisella Faustine

Kim Seokjin

3rd Class Student of Notre Dame International High School, France, Europe

My name is Celinda, I'm the representative from the parents council. Among the involved parents, we discussed about this, and we already decided. We're going to have a big, big meeting, thursday, including both of you. Ofcourse with the special permission from your principal.

It will be held in Notre Dame's main hall, breakfast time. I hope you can come, and attend this special meeting. We want to show our thanks to both of you.

Please read it kindly,

We hope we're not disturbing both of you.

Much thanks,


Jin read the message in a soft and not very loud voice, so Jo will not hear it.

"It's the day after tomorrow. Understood?" Jin smirked to Giselle, who stares at him compeletely, without blinked.

"Hey, hey!" Jin moved his hands in awe and hope she will wake up from her reverie soon.

No respond. Giselle still stared at Jin dizzily. "Hey! Hey you sheep head!"

Finally, Giselle woke up and blinked many times. "Hah? What?"

"Are you listening to me or not?" grumbled Jin angrily.

"Oh yes! Of course, I understood." Giselle smiled shamelessly.

"Actually, I want you to repeat it once again so I can watch you again. But no, it's enough." Again, Giselle murmured by herself, and nodded to Jin who get up from his chair, saying goodbye to her.

And drove back to his house with his car.

Leaving her, smiling, in compliance.

I'll Pay You Later, Giselle (Seokjin)Where stories live. Discover now