Two worlds, Two wonders

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"Did it go as planned?" Jung kook is wide-awake the second my foot hit his wooden floor. I almost jump 5 meters into the air, I didn't expect him to be awake. Yoongi and I had spent the last 4 hours catching up. He had been hiding so much from me. I wasn't mad about it. I just cant imagine dealing with all of that on your own.

"Yeah, everything is okay between Yoongi and I again" Jung kook slowly lay back down in his bed as I walk over to take my usual place beside him "Does that mean you are moving back with Yoongi tonight?" I can't tell if Jung kook is happy or sad about the fact that I have to move back with Yoongi again.

I run a hand through his messy brown hair, he smile under my touch. I run let my hand slowly follow his jawline and place a hand under his chin "I told Yoongi I would sleep with you tonight, we will try to make a functioning deal tomorrow about where I am going to sleep in the future" I mess up his hair and he start laughing. A laugh I can only describe as bubbly.

Jung Kook wrap his arms around me and embrace me. I think we are just going to sleep now, but as I think, I am save, he starts tickling me. I try to hold in my laughter, even though it gets harder every second. His hands and fingers make sure to leave every inch of my chest and shoulder in tickling agony.

"Kookie- st- st- stop!" I laugh and my stomach start cramping "Laughing it's good for you Hyung, it's the training you missed when you stayed at home with me" his hand don't seem to get tired of harassing my body with this tickling nonsenses. I manage to turn around in his arms. We end up face to face and I force his arms to stop. He is still laughing as if I had just told the best joke of all time. Like when Jin tell one of his stupid dad jokes.

"No more tickling!" he laughing even harder at my failed attempt to give him an order. Being only one year older than Jung Kook he had like no respect for me. At least not like the one, he had for our older members. His grin didn't seem to fade as I cover his mouth with my one hand.

I lay my head down on his cheat waiting for him to stop laughing. The laughter slowly fade away. A thick silence fill the room right before I speak up again "did the doctor stop by today?"

"now that you mention it, yes he did" I lay down on my stomach and use my arms as a head rest so that I am able to see his face "What is wrong with your leg then?" he grin and look down at me "My leg had been dislocated, he simply pulled my leg back in place. It hurt like just hell, but it is over now. He gave me a shit ton of medicine I have to take over the next week" he laugh to relieve the serious atmosphere.

"will you be able to dance again?" he nod and lay back down "I can't wait to get back, even though I only missed one day" His eyes is clear and dreamy. My heart start beating faster as he starts playing with my hair. I lay back down on his chest. I can hear his heart beat; it's calming in some weird way. I close my eyes and let myself truly enjoy this experience.


The halls is always so quit at this time in the morning; I put my alarm on 1 hour earlier than the others, just to get a head start of the others. I feel a weird need to get ready and look good today; almost as if my body thinks I got someone to empress. What is this weird feeling? I shake my whole body as I get out of bed and hurry to do some push offs before heading for the bathroom.

Taehyung would wake up in 40 min now; this had to be a quick shower. I spend 10 minutes under the warm water before almost falling out the shower. I hurry to grab the sink; I pull myself together and start getting dressed. Dress to impress as Jin always said.

I am wearing a simple outfit, finished with a little joke. I found this Cuff mask with Tae's name on, I thought it would be funny to buy it. Today was my first time wearing it. I am wearing a black and red t-shirt with a long sleeved stripped black and red shirt underneath it. The necklace Tae gave me when we started in the band was trustfully caressing my neck and collarbones. I decided to add some ripped grey jeans and Black converse. I think this look is okay. I turn around a million times in the mirror before moving on to doing my make-up. I had to keep it simple. I picked some colours I knew would complement my face without being too obvious.

"Yoongi are you ready soon?" Taehyung is outside of the bathroom, I almost drop my toothbrush on the ground "Give me a second" I hurry to wash my mouth and put my toothbrush back at its place. How could he be ready before me? I was up before all of the other, he haven't even been in the bathroom.

I open the door slowly to reveal a fully dressed Tae, his outfit is perfectly picked out and his hair had obviously been washed today. He smile and reveal his perfect teeth. He run a hand through his hair, while offering me the other plan "Hurry up Yoon hyung! I have a day of fun planned for us" I take his hand and return the smile he gave me just seconds ago.


I spend all night planning today, sleep didn't come easily to me so the fact that I hadn't been sleeping didn't really matter. I decided to stop trying to fall asleep again after I woke up at midnight still cuddling Jung kook. I slowly got out of his arms and found his laptop under the bed. I knew Jung kook would be okay with me using his laptop. I spend 4 hours making the perfect plan. At 4 in the morning I decided to start getting dressed. Actually as the clock stroke 4 I started playing 4 o'clock on my phone, just because I always wanted to try that.

I heard Yoongi get out of bed early this morning. He went to the bathroom just 5 minutes after I left the bathroom. I am happy he didn't see me nor hear me at that point. It wasn't like him to get up this early, it made me happy in a weird way to know that he did it for me.

I took out a soft piece of fabric from my pocket; I hold it up between us and wink at him "What?" Yoongi looks confused "That was just a joke. I need you to wear it though" I laugh it off and walk up behind him "Are you going to kill me now?" he smirk and let his hand run down my thigh "Yeah that was my plan. How did you know?"

"Lucky guess" my body fluster as those words caress his lips, Min Yoongi saying lucky apparently got to me in a way I would never admit. I try to focus on covering his eyes.

It was a bit weird to lead Yoongi through the streets while he was wearing a blindfold. Yoongi made sure to help me make the situation less awkward, he made small jokes we could laugh about as I led him to our first stop. A trip back in time. This day would remind him of all we have together and all we have ever had. This is about Yoongi and I. no one else.

Let the day begin...

Flowers bloom even in Winter //Taegikook// *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now