Could this be love?

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"Tae" He manage to whisper, even though I can hear he is unable to breath. My eyes meet his again "Yoongi" I breathe in the air that is slowly getting thicker between us, I know he wants to say something because I can see him struggle. My heart is screaming that I should kiss him. My head on the other hand is telling me to think about it just once more.

I lean in a bit closer, his eyes show signs of panic, I don't know if he is thinking the same as me or if he wish I would just go away. I let my hand caress his face and lightly lay one hand on his jaw as I lead my face closer to his. His eyes close before mine and I finally manage to get myself together. My lips meet his. Soft and perfect. My heartbeat is not even to describe anymore. Yoongi do not kiss me back at first, after a few second he finally kiss me back.

He pull us apart and look into my eyes "Tae, I..." my heartbeat stops, did I do something wrong? Maybe he didn't feel the same after all, I knew I should have done that "I am sorry Yoongi!" I try to get up and leave before I ruin this more, his hand reach out and grab my wrist.

"Please don't go" he whisper and continue "I need to tell you something" I bite my lip and nervously sit back down next to him, he look down at our hands and move his back into mine "what is the matter Yoongi?" for some reason I am scared of what he is about to tell me. Will I regret hearing it after all? Should I have just walked away while I still had the chance? It's too late now, Yoongi is vulnerable in this moment.

"I have this feeling" This does not sound good, I should have held back. I am sure he is in love with someone else, I don't know who it would be, the only other person he is close to is Jimin. Could he be in love with Jimin? Jimin is a wonderful and sweet boy, no wonder he loves him and not me.

"what feeling?"

"When you and Jung kook spend time together alone, it's like my whole body wants you to dumb him and be with me! I have tried to ignore it... but the kiss" he looks up at me with tears in his eyes, I know he is trying to hold them back, but one more word will trigger them to fall and more will follow "It made it clear to me that.." he stop to breath "what?" I cup his face with my one free hand and look into his eyes "I am in love with you... Taehyung" my heart skips a beat, Min Yoongi! Is in love! With me? How did that happen?

"I don't know why you kissed me or if it even meant anything to you at all, but it meant everything to me! It was like a dream came true" I cover his mouth with my hand "Yoongi, I am in love with you too" His face is in full on shock, he looks like a child he just got told Santa isn't real.

He remove my hand from his lips "what?" I let go of his face and bit my lip "I know it's crazy! In addition, I know we shouldn't do all of this! However, Min Yoongi! I am in love with you! I didn't know I was until now, I didn't know that this was what love felt like" he is unable to respond.

He takes a deep breath and look down for a couple seconds before looking at me again "What about Jung kook?" my head stops working "what about him?" he let out a quick breath "How do you feel about him?" my thoughts go back to Jung Kook, his perfect face and body. How he indeed too made me feel something, I was unable to describe. I know I am in love with Yoongi, but this feeling! It's the same as how I feel about Jung Kook! "Oh no" He run a hand down my jawline and look into my empty eyes "What is wrong Tae"

"I am in love with Jung Kook" he nod and lick his lips, not in a sexual way, but in the way you do it when you are thinking "I thought so" he take a deep breath and wipe away his tears "It's okay Tae Tae! We can figure this entire situation out! However, for the love of god tell Jung Kook how you feel! I will help you through all of this! Even if you won't end up picking me" he send me a calming smile and huge me close into his body. Safty and home! I wish we could stay like this forever. But eventually it was time. I had o go home and tell Jung Kook how I felt about him! No matter how scary it seemed. 

Flowers bloom even in Winter //Taegikook// *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now