It's life again

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"Tae! There you are" I walk up next to a rather sleepy Tae, he is on his phone clearly caught up in something. I ignore it and warp my arms around his waist, he cover his phone and let his head fall back on my should "Did you talk to Jung kook?" he make a short sound that I think means yes "what did he say?" Tae ignore my question and turn around in my arms. Before I get a chance to even see his face, he hide it in my shirt "Anything you want to talk about?" he shake his head, it felt a little unwanted, as if he felt like that was the only correct answer to that matter. I hug him tightly, I now Tae, and this behaviour is very unlike him in all ways. He is normally bubbly and full of joy! He loves talking and never hold anything back like this.

I let my hand run through his hair as I feel his breath getting heavier against my collarbones. After a few minutes, I decide it's time to figure out what's wrong with him. I let my hand run along his jawline and force him to look at me.

"Tae, please come with me" I take his hands in mine, carefully but wholesomely. I need to protect him. He nod and follow me. I know this is all so strange but I hope that when we get back in our room he might feel more open about talking to me. It is home after all.

He starts playing with my pillow the second he is back in my bed; he is trying to keep us both distracted to avoid the topic that was floating in the air above us. I have only been waiting for his answer for a couple hours! However, I feel like I can walk out this room without an answer! I need to know rather or not he wants to be with me.

"What happened between you and Jung kook?" Tae look down at the bed sheet with a blank look in his eyes "No matter what happened I won't get mad Tae Tae" he look up at me still with blank eyes, I could see them turn into glass as tears started to appear.

"Please promise you won't get mad! Yoongi I can't lose you" I nod and wrap my arms around him "I talked to him... Jung kook likes me as well" my heart drop, it feels like my heart is being ripped apart by a hands without mercy "But I love you Yoongi... and" he can't manage to finish his sentence, tears start to stream down his face.

I try to wipe them away, but the amount of tears he is shedding over power me and bring small tears to my eyes as well. I am not a person that cries with ease, I hide my feelings normally. Saying them out loud had never been of big use.

"Can I help you?" a tear fall down my face and he look up and catch it with his hand, carefully letting it run down his hand "I was looking at something online, one day it might work. However, please Yoongi" he move in closer to me and let his sweater paws caress my face "Can I kiss you?" he whisper softly.

I nod feeling overpowered by emotions. I wanted him to kiss me, but something inside me told me it was wrong! Tae was young and so was Jung kook! He deserved to be with him and not a mess like me.

His hands cup my face and I put one hand on his neck and one on his hip, he moved in slowly and the taste of tears was strong between our lips. It was a weird kiss, mostly because we are both crying. I don't want to let him go, his lips against mine is the closest I get to happiness, even though I know this might be the last time I will ever experience this.

He break the lip lock after what feels like only seconds even though I know it has been minutes. He rest his head against mine and we breathe together.


Everyone had been looking for Taehyung that day, he disappear after we had our talk and didn't come back for lunch. We were all starting to get worried. Taehyung had been acting weird all week.

"Have you heard from him?" a worried Jung kook ask me, he keep his phone close and look at it what seems like every second. I shake my head and check my own phone to make sure that I hadn't got anything from Tae.

The young boy slam his hand against the wall and let out an angry groan "why would he just leave like this?" Jung kook is filled with anger and is still too young to control it. He keeps slamming his fists against the wall trying to make the pain go away. I watch him do it. I don't know what to say.

"Jeongguk?" I call out carefully as he finally rest his head against the wall, totally out of breath. His eyes are shut and I can almost feel the pain that the young Maknae is feeling. He let out a helpless sigh and look at me "Yes"

"Can we talk?" he look down at the ground and adjust his bracelet "About what?" he ask clearly debating rather to talk to me or not "About Taeyung! Listen Jung kook before you walk away" I grab his wrist as he try to leave "I know Tae, but I also want him to be happy! I know he is in love with you"

"but he is also in love with you" he turn to spit those words out in my face "I know he is! But we have to work this out Jeongguk! We can't act like babies! We both want him to be happy, now let's talk this through please!" he try to remove my hand but I tighten my grip and look into his eyes, catching them with mine.

"What do you want me to say?" he respond maybe a little too loud "I want you to calm down and handle this like an adult!" he rip his hand out of mine and hug it into his chest "Then stop treating me like a child!"

"I am not treating you like a child! You act like one"

"Shut up" he scream

"Just listen to me Jeongguk!"


"Tae is my best friend okay! I know that he is in love with you and I knew before he even told you! He wants to be with you; however, he also for some reason wants to be with me! It's hard for him to have to walk around knowing that we are struggling because we both want him! We have to make this easier for him!"

Jung kook lean against the wall and slowly slide down, he hide his face in his hands. After just standing there looking at him, I decide to walk over and sit down next to him. I put an arm around his shoulder and let his head rest on my shoulder.

"We can get through this Kookie"


"Maybe, I am just saying maybe. We could agree on both being with Tae?"

"Can you do that?" he look up at me "I know you can, but let's just talk this through okay"

Flowers bloom even in Winter //Taegikook// *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now