First Time for Everything

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Disclaimer: Thanks to everyone who has read these so far and for giving me suggestions on what you want me to do. Getting feedback, as well as suggestions, helps me write more and I'm so glad you're enjoying them. This one is another one of my own ideas but I'll start on them after this. This one is a fanfic about the first time Neal, Emma's little brother, gets spanked. Emma is turning 30 the next day in this and Neal is 2.

Warning: Will contain spanking. Don't like, don't read.

Neal was left alone downstairs to entertain himself. His mommy was at work and his Daddy was also working but was able to get off after working a half day. This meant Neal was left with his older sister, Emma, who was upstairs texting on her phone.

An hour past and Neal was more board than when he was left alone after everybody left. Just wait till I tell Mummy and Daddy that Emmy did nothing with me today. It was just then that he noticed how there was a lot of paper on the table and deciding he would like to do some art, he went to find all the felt tips. When he had got them he found another two boxes and when he got back to the table he stacked them up so he could reach the chair. Eventually, he got up to it and sat down before separating them out. There was some kind of writing on the top and so that it wouldn't be completely ruined, he turned all eighteen pages around.

"Now I can get started on the art. Mummy might like a flower," Neal said before starting to draw.

All the pages were eventually covered and Neal smiled at his work. He'd done a flower for his Mommy, a prince riding a horse for his Daddy, a couple of transport and a few paper planes. He then got up and went over to play with his toys including a fire engine which Henry had got him, and a cop car which his sister's boyfriend had got him.



Neal had been playing with his toys since when he picked them up. Emma hadn't come down once to check on him which made him look forward to when his Daddy got home so he could tell on her. Emmy's going to be in big trouble. It was just at that moment David came in and he went straight over to where Neal was playing.

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing over here?"

"I'm just playing!"

"Is Emmy not down here helping with that?"

"No. She's been upstairs since you left."

David sighed when he heard that. That's the last thing I've wanted to hear.

"Thanks for telling me that," David said and went over to the stairs. "EMMA RUTH SWAN!"

It took a minute for anything to happen but Emma soon came down. She still had her phone in her hands and was texting and it was still clear that she wasn't listening. It was only when she got to the bottom that she came back out of her daydream because her Dad snatched it from her.


"Don't even start that young lady! That is the least you deserve after staying upstairs away from your brother today! You can make your way over to that table now and I will be keeping this phone for a week!"

Emma stubbornly listened to what she was told and stormed over the table. David went and sat on the chair facing her when he saw her sit down.

"Emma Ruth Swan; you were told to look after your brother today and to watch him. You should not have been upstairs texting without coming down here but now because you did do that you can stay there for the rest of the night!"


"Do not shout at me young_." David paused as he saw the artwork and narrowed his eyes at Emma when he realised it was her paperwork. Now I'm dead, Neal thought. "Emma Ruth; what's this?"

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