A Step Mother and an Overdue Punishment

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Disclaimer: This story takes place during the time that Regina is helping Emma learn about her magic but I'm putting my own spin on it by using a relationship between Regina and Mary Margaret (Snow) as stepmother and stepdaughter. This is my first time doing something along the lines of this relationship so please remember that when reviewing. Let's see what happens when Snow has to treat Regina as her mother again.

Warning: Will contain a lot of family fluff and adult spanking. Don't like, don't read.

"No! You can't continue these lessons!" Mary Margaret shouted.

Mary Margaret had just found out that Emma had been getting magic lessons from Regina. Why out of all people did she have to choose Regina? Yes, I know I shouldn't be holding everything against Regina now. She did save my life on that horse and did trust me with a secret I didn't keep, but she did also harm millions of innocent people who hadn't done anything wrong.

"Why not, mom?" Emma asked.

"She's my arch-nemeses." Mary Margaret said.


"She's evil!"

"Not anymore."

"She killed thousands of innocent people."

"In the past!" Regina claimed.

What else can I say? I've always wanted to hide this war from Emma but it appears that I can't anymore! Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Know what? There's no point trying to hide this from you anymore. I don't want you doing anything that I'm not happy about with your grandmother." Mary Margaret said softly.

At that, Emma went quiet and it was the perfect time for Regina to step in.

"So you've finally came to see me as your mother again?" Regina asked coming even closer to Snow.


"And on an unrelated subject, you expect Emma to obey you and do as you ask?"

"Yes. I expect just that."

"So as you are my daughter, I can expect you to obey what I say?" Regina asked with her brow raised slightly.

"Umm, m, maybe." Mary Margaret stuttered.

"Right. Well at least we have something to work on tomorrow." Regina said in a stern motherly tone before going out.


When the next morning came, Mary Margaret didn't want to make herself get out of bed. She had remembered what Regina had said about working on something today and by the sound of her voice, that wasn't something to look forward to. Not even that but something else that happened last night was that Regina had repeatedly called Mary's cellphone to make sure she was ok and even treated her like a child when they were eating dinner last night. Let's hope today isn't the same, Mary Margaret thought into herself. As the time went on, Mary Margaret felt that it was about time she got up, if only to check on Neal, and once she was done with that; went downstairs.

As soon as Mary Margaret was downstairs she saw Regina standing at the bottom of the stairs and Emma was sleeping on the couch. The only problem was that while Regina was standing in a motherly position, she was also holding something against her chest.

"Morning mom." Mary Margaret said while she walked past Regina without even looking at her.

"Hold on a minute young lady." Regina said while putting her arm out to grip her daughter's arm although she had already made Mary Margaret take a double take at what she had just been called.

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