Result of Running to Smash the Magic Mirror

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"Swan! Swan! Don't do it!" Hook screamed from outside the enchanted mansion.


I have to go in there, Emma thought as she went closer and closer to the door. I have to get rid of these powers so that my family won't be hurt and then I can get home for hot chocolate and cinnamon. But no matter how fast the minutes went on, somehow she couldn't make herself go in through the door.


The minutes were making Hook feel even worse now that he couldn't exactly stop Emma from harming herself. He knew how stubborn she could be at times and this time it was probably going to not only hurt her family, but even if she survived her parents already knew that she was doing something alongside Rumple and so she would be in more trouble than she could ever imagine. One day I'm going to stop chasing this woman, Hook thought to himself.

Just as things were beginning to get worse Elsa managed to get over to the door and froze the handle before going in. Next stop, save Emma!


Inside the mansion, Emma was getting even closer to the door. The light from the magic within the Sorcerer's Hat was going making the mansion look like the light was going off and on, but Emma didn't know that this kind of dark magic was going to rip her from this world. You're nearly there, You're nearly there she began to tell herself. However, before Emma could bring herself to open the door, Elsa had finally made it in and started to run up to her.

"Emma stop!" Elsa said as she came closer to her new friend.

"Elsa what the Hell are you doing here? You have to leave, now!" Emma said knowing full well that she had just swore but making her excuse for that all the stress with the magic she couldn't control.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you do this." Elsa said.

"My powers are out of control, there's no other way. Please leave now!"

"No! You didn't give up on me when you nearly froze to death in that ice cave so I'm not giving up on you! I know how scary it is hurting someone you love, I've lived in fear of that my entire life, but giving up on your magic is not the answer. There is another way."

"Yea, you told me about how Anna's love saved you and that's great. But guess what? My version of that with Henry didn't work. This is all I have left." Emma said with a tiny bit of attitude before turning back towards the door.

Quick, Elsa, think! Elsa started thinking into herself. What could she do to stop Emma from getting into even more trouble or putting herself into danger? This wasn't the only way to find a way to be able to control her magic, even if Emma was planning on ridding herself off them completely so that she could save her family. Elsa would know that! She tried to do it and it ended up that she nearly killed her sister. She couldn't do that to the Charmings though. Snow had only recently had her son and had already lost Emma once so she was not going to do it to her again. It took another second for the best idea to come into her head and although she wasn't sure it would work, it was worth a try.

"I was wrong. It wasn't just Anna's love that saved me," Elsa said firmly as Emma started to turn around.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"When I landed in this strange town I was certain that without Anna I was doomed but I got control over my powers again without her."

"How," Emma asked before the light started to lose its power again.

"I didn't really know until today until the same thing happened to you and it finally hit me. It's not only Anna's love or Henry's that can save us. They accept us for who we are and that's important, but it's not enough. It's on us too. You have to love yourself Emma; the good, the bad. The only way to ever be in control of your powers is to embrace them, because this, this is who you are." Elsa said before putting her hand out for Emma to take.

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