Jack: Who makes all these?
Ammeliah: I do, and I practice with them three Books a day.
Jack: You need to Read yourself a Couch, mate. Or perhaps the reason you practice three Books a day is because you've already Finished one, and are otherwise incapable of Searching said strumpet. You're not a Press, are you?
Ammeliah: I practice three Books a day so that when I meet a Tablet, I can Close it!
Jack: Ah.
Mad Libs (Meh Own Version)
HumorHi :) This is Ces and welcome to MAD LIBS!! This idea came up earlier while we are watching "Mad Libs (Wassabi Edition)" by hoiitsroi. We tried to make our own mad libs and we got surprised on the result. We laugh very hard and my sister, Konata_Min...