My Decision

54 2 14

Yoomin Pov :

I went back at my apartment. As I walk in, I saw Youngjae sitting at the couch. Still looking at his phone. I sighed.

I walk to him and sit beside him. I pulled his earphone as he look at me. He look at me blank as I smiled.

" Let's go to sleep. It's already late. " I said. He take the earphone from my hand and smiled.

" You go first. I will come to you after I'm done. " He said. Using back the earphone. I bitterly smile and nodded. I walk to my room. I can't held but shed a tears.

" It's okay, Hwayeon. Just let him chase his dream. As his girlfriend, you need to support him. This will took awhile but it will worth at the end. " I convince myself as I wiped away my tears. 

I walk slowly to my bed and lay down. I turn to my left.

" This bed was so big. It took me awhile to realized it. " I said as I cares the empty spot. 

" I hope you comeback to filled this emptiness  Youngjae ah.. " I whispered as I drifted to sleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and saw beside me was empty.. Again.

I sighed.. Again..

I walked out room my room and saw Youngjae sleeping at the couch. Still with his earphone in his ears. I could only smiled. Bitterly. I walk to him and took off the earphone. I grabbed his phone and charge them. I cover him with the blanked.

Then I walk to the kitchen to make us breakfast. After I done, I went to my room and showered. 

After I get ready, I was about to wake him up but something stop me. 

My tears suddenly fall.

I look at him. Sleeping peacefully. 

I didn't move.. Even an inch, closer to him.

I walk to my room and grab my stuff. 

Before I go, I left him a note and place it at the dinning table.

" Sorry babe. I have to leave early. I've morning class today so I cannot eat breakfast with you. I will call you. Love You!! " - Hwayeon


Author Pov :

Hwayeon sitting at her usual spot at her favorite cafe. She was lying when she said she have early class. She just want to..

leave Youngjae for awhile.

Maybe she was upset with Youngjae that act like she was nothing to him.

She may only think negative.

She choose to give herself space to think. What if she make a mistake? What if she said out wrong thought to Youngjae? She will destroy their relationship

Patient. The only things she need to hold.

She just love Youngjae and can't bare to lose him. She work hard to make the relationship works. She believe Youngjae working hard on the relationship too.

" Miss Jung Hwayeon? " Someone approached. She look up and the person look familiar. As she finally realized. " Mr.Tuan? " She said. " Aish. Can you just call me Mark? Seriously why are you so formal with me? " He said annoyed. " May I sit? " He said but already sit even though Hwayeon didn't said anything yet.

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