Date and Forget?

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Next Day :

Hwayeon woke up with swollen eyes again. Since she have to have a breakfast with Tuan's family, she immediately clean up and put on some make up to cover her face.

She went to the kitchen to help the maid prepare the breakfast. Even though the maid stopped her, she refused and continue to help.

" Good Morning! " She cheerfully greet them. Tuan's just smiled and greet her back. " Let's breakfast together with us. " Mrs Tuan said as Hwayeon just nodded. She sat beside Mary which just in front of Mark. He keep staring at her and notice her sworn eyes. He didn't say anything but keep staring at her the whole time.


After breakfast, Hwayeon straightly went to her room. She heard someone knocked the door as she opened its and saw Mark smiley face.

She smiled back even though she feel weird.

" Yes? " She asked.  " Wear something nice. I'm taking you out. " Mark said leaving Hwayeon blank. Before she close the door, Mark call her back.

" Wear pants~ " He smirked.


" No. " Hwayeon shook her head. " Why not? " Mark laughed. " No! I'm not riding this with you!! Not again! " She said making Mark laughed even loud.

" Don't worry... " He tried to convince her but she still refusing. " There is nothing about you I'm not worry about. No! " She said then sit on the floor. Mark just chuckled seeing her childish act.

He kneed down in front of her and it's make her heart betting fast.

" Look, Don't worry. You can hold on me tight. Or if you want, I will hold your hand and never let go. " His words somehow make her heart melt and agreed. He held her hand and help her up.

He help her with the helmet first then help her to get on the bike.

" Hands? " Mark asked while offering his hand. Hwayeon was so shy so she refused. " Why? " Mark asked. " We will loose our balance. It's okay. I will just.. " She stop and think for awhile.

" Where should I held? " She thought. The only thing she could think is to wrap her arm around Mark's waist. " Gosh.. That worse.. " She thought again.

Meanwhile Mark was silently laughing at her. Her face was like Mary's face when she need to settle some algebra question.

Without thinking twice, he took Hwayeon's hand then put it around His waist

" Hold tight Miss Jung! " Mark said as they start moving. Hwayeon is still surprised when she feel like they are start moving, she have no hesitation to hug Mark really really tight.


They've finally arrived at The Theme Park. Hwayeon and Mark get off from the bike. Mark helps her to took off the helmet.

" What are we doing here? " Hwayeon asked while fixing her hair. Mark smiled. He took Hwayeon's hand and kissed it. Hwayeon get super shy till her face is completely red.

" I will help you. I will do whatever I could to be your dream boyfriend. Just use me the whole day today. " Mark said. Hwayeon was a little surprised by his statement.

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