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Hwayeon Pov :

Mark have been very busy with his work lately and he barely talk to me since what happened between me and Jaebeom.

It seem like he really hate Jaebeom. But he don't have to let it out on me. 

He come home when ever he want and never come back for few weeks. Then when he come home, he will have sex with me but not really talking to me.

What is wrong with him?!!!

" Mark.. I really need to talk with you..  " I said. He was busy with his laptop and didn't bother about me at all.

" Mark Tuan! " I yelled. " What?!!! Don't you see how busy I am now??!! " He yelled at me back. I was startled. " I just want to talk with you. What is wrong with you? " I said.

" There's nothing wrong with me but you. You have acting like a little kid! Why are you so childish?!! Stop making me annoyed and fucking grow up already!! " He yelled then bring all of his things and went out. I teared up.

He really cannot control it when he's mad. He always yelled and curse at me when he's mad. But then he will act like nothing had happened.

Until now I cannot figure him out.

All I can do now is just cry. I'm scared he will change into a completely different person and I don't know him anymore. I really want him to be himself back.

Suddenly I feel sick. I went to bathroom and throw up.

" This is strange.. Why did I feel sick lately? " I told myself. I washed my face as I realised. " When was my last period? " I question myself as I run to my desk and look at the calendar. I sighed.

" Am I pregnant? " 


I don't know how to react now. I just went out from the clinic while looking at my result. The doctor confirm that I'm pregnant for 4 weeks already.

Should I be happy?

Should I be sad?

or worry?

I wiped away my tears and smile.

" Mark was right.. I'm just been too childish lately. It's because I'm pregnant. I should tell him and apologise for my behavior. He will be happy to know I'm pregnant his child. " I told myself. I dialed his number but he doesn't pick up. 

Ahh He's busy.. I will just text him.

" Mark.. I just went back from clinic and I have something amazing to share to you. Go home early tonight. I will cook something special for us! " 

I went to supermarket to buy some ingredients for tonight's meal. 

I'm so excited to tell Mark about this! 

How would he react? Will he be as excited as I was?

" Miss, You keep smiling? did something good happened to you? " The taxi driver asked me in Busan dialect. " Yes ajussi. I just found out that I was pregnant! " I excitedly told the driver and he smiled to me. " Aigoo... Congratulation Ahgassi.. Did your husband know about this already? " He asked.

" Nope! I'm going to surprise him later. " I said. " Aigoo.. He must be happy! " He said again. I hope so..

When we arrived, he open the door and help me to carry my things. I thank him before he leave. I open the door and Immediately carry the stuff to the kitchen. i look at my phone and look at Mark's chat. He haven't read them yet. I hope he went home early. 

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