Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Dean didn’t show up at lunch. I should feel like I dodged a bullet, but to be honest I felt a little disappointed. Especially, after his little ‘confession’ that he liked me. He actually liked me, Jennifer Welch, the girl with the screwed up life. But to be fair he said ‘liked’ which meant past tense and my life was a fairy tale back then.

It still didn’t make sense though, we used to hang out and play only when Uncle Dan brought him home or if I had gone to their apartment, which was very rare thanks to my protective father and overbearing brother. And all those time we never got along. We used to fight every time and end up bad mouthing each other or giving each other the cold shoulder during which my lovely brother was our loyal mediator.  

How the hell could he like me? He probably lied; he’s up to his old tricks again. Well, guess what Dean McAlister? I’m not buying it. Gosh! Why am I even thinking about that dork? I need to focus on what Mr. Harper is saying. But then again, I suck in math anyway, might as well zone out. It’s not like I’ll understand the language he’s speaking.

So I go back to Dean. Why was he lying? What is that cheeky dork up to this time? My mind is so wrapped around this topic I almost don’t realize the two mini versions of me seated on either side of my shoulder.     

The angel: What if he isn’t lying?

The devil: He probably is.

The angel: There is good in very person.

The devil: My ass there is. Remember the time when he chopped off the end of your pony tail? Your hair was hideous after that.

The angel: Your hair was hideous anyway. But that doesn’t mean he’s the same old notorious boy. He’s more mature now.

The devil: Mature? Pffft. The only change in that devil is his hotness.

The angel: He’s not a devil, devil. He’s just a good guy who once liked Jenny.

The devil: Fine, I guess he’s worth a shot.

The angel: Jennifer, we think you should be with him.

The devil: Only because he’s smokin, if you don’t hit that, I will.

The angel: You can’t ‘hit’ him, you’re a mere subconscious. 

The devil: Whatever, bitch.

The angel: Foul mouthing will not get you anywhere.

The devil: Hey, angel. If you keep talking I’d like to borrow that halo of yours so that I can shove it up your as-

Guys! We aren’t even friends, okay? Drop it!

“Drop what Ms Welch?” Mr. Harper’s voice brings me back to reality; where every head is turned to look at me. Dear mother Earth, could you make a hole on your surface and swallow me? “Is everything okay?”

I nod and I can hear people snicker and call me a freak, which I officially am. Gosh, this is so embarrassing. I can’t wait for this class to get over.

Eventually, after what felt like eternity, it did. I dash out of the classroom before anyone else could so that I didn’t have to face them make fun of my little ‘incident’ in class. Though, I didn’t miss Ricky Andrews laugh and a pathetic try to mimic my voice saying a somewhat screechy, “Drrrrrop it!” for which his friends laughed and appreciatively hit him on his back Ugh, stupid jocks.

Math was my last class of the day so yay! I get to go home, not. I have to attend Mr. Jay’s detention. Ugh. Dean has detention too. I’ll probably see him there. Just thinking about him made my palms sweaty and my butterflies flutter in my stomach. Gosh, what’s happening to me? Ever since the words ‘I could never hate the beautiful girl with the two piggy tails I once liked’ came out of his mouth my mind has been off.

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