Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Seth is an amazing human being; a wonderful friend, a caring elder brother, a helpful son and a hardworking person. He has the looks with his dark hair and blue eyes. Though he doesn’t have packs, he has a killer football player body. He’s such a genuine guy. Any girl would fall for him. But sometime, let me tell you, he’s a complete and utter idiot.

Alex dramatically hit her forehead with her palm, I put my head down in disappointment, and Caleb, being the guy, slapped the back of Seth’s head. “What the hell’s wrong with you man?”

We all were in Seth’s place. His mom and younger sister, Selena had gone out for the night. And Seth’s dad was working late in the city. He comes home only on the weekends. We’d just made the pop corn and set the food when Seth told us what an incredible stupid thing he did today.

“I panicked, okay?” he says throwing his hands up in the air. “I really like this girl and I didn’t want to fuck up anything.” He looks like a sad little puppy. I have to restrain myself from pinching his cheeks and cooing.

“But you did,” Alex points out.

Caleb wraps his arms around his girlfriend and pulls her closer to him, she blushes. They’re so adorable. “Big time,” Caleb says which makes Seth hit his forehead and groan.

“I’M SUCH AN IDIOT!!!” he groans again and falls down to the floor and whimpers saying something incoherent. I feel bad for him. He’s always had a crush on Emma Willow, the sweetest person in school who is nice to everyone and is the ideal ‘happy-go-lucky’ girl. Perfect for Seth, I wish he didn’t do what he did today. I’m sure he does too.

Alex says, “Damn right you are.” At the same time Caleb says, “No shit.” I glare at them and being the good friend I am, I wrap my arms around Seth’s shoulder in a soothing way and he sighs and engulfs me into his arms.

“I’m a fool,” he groans for the eighth time today.

“I know,” I rub his shoulder and sympathize with him, “take a deep breath and tell us what exactly happened.”

He looks up and meets my eyes, he looks so crushed. He sighs and nods. Alex untangles herself from her boyfriend and takes a place next to Seth and wraps one of her hands around his shoulder. Caleb sits opposite to us facing Seth. “I…” Seth starts, “When I went to pick Selena from her school I saw Emma there. She waved at me and before I could realize it, I was walking towards her. We sat down on a bench near the school and she told me that she had to pick up her cousin,” he looks down to his lap and looks up again, “we were just talking while waiting for Selena and her cousin…the wind was crazy and she let her hair loose and it kept falling on her face. So I brushed a few strands away from her face…God, she look so gorgeous in her yellow dress. I wasn’t thinking and I…I…umm…” he stammers and plays with his hands nervously.

“Kissed her and ran away?” Caleb offers. I glare at him and Alex hit his shoulder. Seth groans again and rolls on the floor like a kid.

“I couldn’t help it okay? It’s her fault for looking so fucking beautiful!” he yells. But it came out more like ‘Icouldn’thelpitokayIt’sherfaultforlookingsofuckingbeautiful!’

All three of us give him a smile; he’s so adorable when he looks so lost. “Dude,” Caleb starts, “you’re so totally whipped,” he snorts.

I just had to roll my eyes at that. He’s the one who’s utterly whipped from the first time he saw Alex. He even admits the he was jealous of how close Seth and Alex are. “Look who’s talking,” I remark and Seth looks up at me with a confident smirk mirroring mine. Alex blushes instantly. Caleb lets out a nervous laugh and pulls her towards him and sweetly pecks her cheek. She blushes even more. I couldn’t help but ‘awe’ at that. They’re so perfect for each other.

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