tagged by eunjae
the last physical injury you've had ?
- a broken armhow did you get it ?
- attempting to skate when i didn't know how tohave you suffered from any mental illnesses ?
- mhm.a song that describes your mood today
- home is far away, epik high & oh hyukdeepest lyrics from that song ?
- " the weight of today sagging my shoulders, i want to put it down for a moment but home is far away "
- " im alone on this playground but i got on top of the high bars, but ive been on top of the tip of my toes all my life, what's asked of me is always higher than i can reach & slowly the world's standards are rising like everest "
- " dreams are just baggage now "
- " no sleeping pills can put my anxiety to sleep "
- " and then i realized there was something for me too, something other than making money, a dream "did you eat yet ?
- yeahdid you smile today ?
- yuswho was the last person to make you laugh ?
- my classmate, we were was making faces at each other during my lunch period, && he made this one face trying to imitate duck lips and yeahhhtagging ...
nightfilms ( make a tag book smh )