Emily Potter had just transferred from Beauxbaton but when she's made Head Girl and lives with the hottest boy in school what will happen?
I don't own any of the material you recognise that is all the work of the amazing J.K Rowling I only own my o...
"Bonjour petite fille" (good morning baby girl) I woke up to Ced whispering to me.....his voice was soft and husky as he whispered gently to me "Bonjour à toi aussi" (good morning to you too) I blushed a little realising I was only in my pyjamas
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I laughed softly "can I get out of bed please" he blushed and moved over so I could get up to get my dressing gown and slippers. He noticed how little I was wearing and his mouth dropped open. I smirked a little as he looked adorable. I laughed softly and closed his mouth "how much cuter can you get?" "Says you" "yeah says me.....now as much as I love your company we both need to get changed and I need to have a shower so if you don't mind I'm going to the bathroom" "awwww" he pretended to be hurt "I'll just leave then" we both burst out laughing and collapsed on my bed "go I need to have a shower" I said and he started to leave but not before he had kissed me again and it felt just as amazing as before.
I finished in the shower and dried my hair with a spell and threw it up in a top knot. Today my hair had decided to turn a lovely shade of silvery ice blue.......I still don't have much control over my Metamorphmagus powers so I just sort of go with whatever colour my hair turns out as
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I stepped into my room and got changed into a comfy outfit because I didn't have a class until 2pm
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"woah" I heard a voice behind me "wait i thought you were blond earlier?" "I was" I said cooly "but how are you now ice blue?" "I'm a Metamorphmagus" "no way" "yes way and an Anamagus" "WHAT?? You're joking right?" I shook my head and took the form of a prowling lioness
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and quickly changed back "but I'm unregistered and I'd like to stay that way so can you not mention it to anyone please?" "Course I can won't tell a soul" "thanks Ced" ______________ _______________________________ Hey guys I owe you all an apology ❤️❤️ I was just in a super bad place with my mental health and as I'm sure (hopefully) you can understand my health has to come first xx I love all of you but I have to prioritise my mental well-being but I'm back now and have a bunch of cool things planned for the story xx Em ❤️❤️