Emily Potter had just transferred from Beauxbaton but when she's made Head Girl and lives with the hottest boy in school what will happen?
I don't own any of the material you recognise that is all the work of the amazing J.K Rowling I only own my o...
"Pureblood" I said to the painting over the Slytherin common room door. I hated that I had to say that word every time I wanted to see anyone in Slytherin. I received a few strange looks because no one really knew what house I was in or who I was until someone whispered "That's Harry's sister I think what's she doing here?" i just ignored them and walked upstairs into the boys dorm to a find Draco and a few other boys in there. Someone wolf whistled when I went in and just I smirked saying "I need to talk to Draco so I suggest you get out sharpish" they all left pretty quickly and it was just me and Draco in the room "so who's playing tonight's match then?" I asked him "well I can't do any of the Hufflepuff matches and most Griffindor matches cause I've got extra tutoring so I'll do all the Ravenclaw matches but you choose about tonight I'm pretty sure it's a Hufflepuff match but I can do it if you want" said Draco "How about you take all Ravenclaw matches and any Griffindor matches you can make it to and I'll take the rest ok?" "Sweet" "don't let up on my brother, he's better than most people think he would be and I noticed you went kinda easy on him last season" "I won't....can I ask you something?" "Oh sure yeah what is it Draco?" "What's the deal between you and Diggory?" "What do you mean?" "He looks at you all lovey-dovey cmon it's pretty obvious" "ok fine let me do something first" I waved my hand at the door and it opened making most of the Slytherin fall into the room "did no one tell you it's rude to eaves drop on other people's conversations? Had I wished for you to hear the conversation I was having with Malfoy then I would have had it in the common room got it?" They all nodded and cleared off. I had more control over them than anyone ever did before bar the teachers "where were we?" "I asked you about Diggory" "oh yeah well I don't have much choice about him seeing me cause we kinda live together that's why I don't stay here much but that's all it is" "oh ok if you say so" sensing he wasn't going to get anything else out of me he just sighed and stayed quiet so I got up and went to find Flint, the team captain, however I couldn't find him so I went back to my common room and put on my uniform
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to find Dumbledore. He would know where Flint is.
"Professor Dumbledore?" I called out "yes Miss Potter how might I be able to help?" "I was wondering if you knew where Marcus Flint is at all?" "Oh I know where he is but you won't find him here Emily" "why where is he?" "He has been sent to Azkaban for raping another student and attempting to kidnap them" "oh my god what are we going to do we have a quiditch match tonight and we don't have a captain?" "That's why I was about to go and find you" "me? Did you want me to pick a new captain?" "No Miss Potter I wished for you to be the new Slytherin team captain you have far more control over that team than Flint ever had" "I'll take the position thank you sir" "don't mention it Emily"