Chapter 4

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"Oi Diggory do you know him the blonde one in Slytherin?" I ask him as we exit the Great Hall up to our quarters where our things, apparently are already on our beds ready for us to organise "Ugh Malfoy everyone knows him. Not for the right reasons though horrible kid hates Potter" "My little brother Potter?" "Yeah that Potter in his year as well" "Sh*t" "What is it?" "I think he likes me" "Well duh he would your head girl everyone likes head girl" "No I mean like likes me my adoptive family were close with the Malfoys so I've seen him a few times and each time he was trying to flirt with me" he bursts out laughing "Cedric Diggory this isn't funny" "Emily Potter it so haven't even been here one day and you've already got 5 boys offer you" "5? That's bullsh*t" "No it isn't Edward Hack 6th year Hufflepuff, Henry Cullen 7th year Slytherin, Rob Diggory 5th year Hufflepuff, Draco Malfoy 4th year Slytherin and Ron Weasley 4th year Gryffindor" "You're joking right?" I asked surprised as we got to the door "Firebolt" I said and it opened we went in and before looking around I asked "wait Rob Diggory you're telling me your little brother likes me?" He nodded and laughed "And Ron Weasley" he said "You're joking, Ron? really?? I saw him this morning and I greeted him the French way and he blushed I just thought it's cause he wasn't used to it" "The French way??" He asked intrigued. I kissed him on both cheeks and saw his cheeks flare red as well "Like that" I smirked slightly "Can't imagine why" he muttered but I heard "What was that?" I laughed playfully as I headed into my room to the right it had a beautiful snake carving over the top of the door. Inside was a beautiful green and silver theme with a large 4-poster bed with silver snakes around the frame it was beautiful. I saw my things all on my bed "exumpackium" I said and my clothes floated into their draws and the wardrobe. I took my makeup bag at the same time and unpacked that by hand onto my vanity. I went to Cedric's door, that had a beautiful badger carved over the door with a black and yellow theme, and asked "do you have a preference as to which mirror/sink in the bathroom or can I choose?"
"Nah you go ahead so long as there isn't lady things everywhere I'm good" I laughed softly and went to set it all out and when I went back to my room there was a parcel on my bed so I opened it and it was a brand new Firebolt broom "Diggory I think I've been given your broom I don't have one cause mine's back in France" I walk into his room and he's only wearing a pair of boxers and I blush deeply but I notice how defined his abs are and I'm just stood there for a second before I realise I'm staring "oh sh*t I'm gonna leave now" he just smirks and pulls on a pair of jeans and comes over to me with the broom "Uh no that isn't mine but I sure wish it was maybe it's from one of the many guys after you" he laughs playfully and I go to leave and he grabs my wrist "was there a tag on the broom?" "Uh not sure lets have a look" I go into my room with Ced following "Wow......" he said lost for words "What is it??" I asked "You're room is so neat and nice.....HOW MANY CLOTHES??" "I'm a girl what do you expect" " you play?" "What?" "Quiditch" "Of course" "What position?" "Seeker, I'm the Slytherin seeker along with that ghastly Malfoy....I've seen him fly and it's not that great so yeah" "So you're playing against your brother" "What??" "Did you not know Harry's the Gryffindor seeker" "brilliant" I said sarcastically  "Yep and me" "You're joking right?" "Nah I'm the Hufflepuff captain and their seeker" "fabulous" I said even more sarcastically "Now lets check the packaging to see if there is a note" We started to look and there was two notes. One in French and one in English. One said 'a little birdie told me you might need this' and the other one said 'Je vous ai dit que vous oublieriez quelque chose, alors il y en a un pour le remplacer' (I told you that you would forget something so here's one to replace it) "I know who it's from now"

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