Chapter 9

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I finished breakfast and was doing my homework when I felt a hand on my shoulder "Cedric Diggory why aren't you in Herbology?" "Guess again" a boy's voice said and I looked behind me to see my baby brother I stood up and hugged him tight "oh my goodness Harry what are you doing here?" "I came to see my big sis is that against the law now?" "Course it isn't don't be stupid I love you're all the proper family I've got left.......the De-Lacours are great but they aren't real are" he hugged me tight and was able to let me rest my head on his chest cause I'm so short. I heard him chuckle a little and hold me tighter, when he let me go he realised I'm the seeker for Slytherin from my top "oh I see that's how it is well bring it on sis just know I will catch the snitch" "no you won't Hairry James Potter" "actually I think you'll find I will catch it from both of you" I looked to where the voice came from and Cedric came in and stood next to me "you wish Cedric Amos Diggory" "Nah I know and I know I'm going to thrash you Emily Olivia Lilly Potter" "You so aren't" "are to" "ok ok chill cause I'd rather that I still had my sister and a head boy at the end of the day please and thank you" Harry piped up and we all burst out laughing. "So......." "what is it Ced?" "Are we gonna do it or not" Harry blushed deeply clearly thinking of something dirty "Harry James Potter don't be so dirty minded" "sorry sis" he mumbled "and yeah let's go Ced" "go where?" "To the great hall we're both entering the Tri-Wizard Tournament" "EMILY OLIVIA LILLY POTTER HAVE YOU LOST YOUR F*CKING MIND YOU ARE NOT ENTERING" Harry shouted at me "you can't stop me can you and besides I'm old on the other hand are not so don't even think about it Harry" "ugh ok fine but I swear to god if you die I'll never forgive you" we both chuckled a little as Harry pulled me close and hugged me. "Wanna come with us?" He nodded and we all headed down to the great hall.

When me and Ced entered the hall everyone fell silent and I looked at Hermione in the corner and she gave me a worried look as did the Weasley twins I'm sure for a very different reason (note to self: add Fred and George to that list Ced gave me of people who potentially like me). Cedric put his name in and the whole hall went wild. I tried to reach but I was too short and to my surprise Cedric and Harry  lifted me up so I could reach and I put my name in followed by me jumping off of their shoulders and everyone cheered. Fred and George swallowed something and sat next to Hermione saying something I couldn't make out but I guessed they swallowed an aging potion. "It's never going to work" I said in a sing-song voice "see that there that's an age line.......Dumbledore drew it himself and a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something so pathetically dim witted as an ageing potion" "that's what I said" replied Hermione "but they're convinced that it's so pathetically dim witted that it's going to work". The twins jumped in the circle and looked back at l Hermione and I laughing as we shared a shocked expression , but when they tried to put their names in the goblet it spat them out and suddenly they both had long grey beards and grey hair. Both of us burst out laughing as they started to fight when the doors swung open and a group from Durmstrang walked in, one of them put their name in and winked at Hermione. She blushed and looked away "he totally likes you 'Mionie" I said"no he doesn't" Hermione argued back "yes he does I'm telling you" "ugh ok fine he likes me happy now?" "Very" we both burst out laughing again when I realised I had to get back to the Slytherin Common room to ask Draco about who's playing tonight's match  "I hate to love you and leave you but I gotta go ask Draco something bye" I hugged Hermione, Cedric was talking to some guys from Durmstrang so I went over to him to say where I was going when one of the boys he was talking to took my hand and kissed it. I giggled a little as Ced put his arm round my waist and pulled me close kissing the top of my head "oh my I'm so sorry I didn't know" the boy said trying to redeem himself I just blushed a little and smiled apologetically "it's fine don't worry" I said to him "Ced I need to talk to Malfoy I'll see you later yeah?" He nodded as I left. The twins were still fighting so I just left them be.
SUPRISE!! As a thank you for still wanting the story have an extra chapter xx
Em x

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