For All to See

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"I have not always been upfront with you. As a matter of fact, the first time you kissed me, I ran away...out of town, and thought it was okay to flee the state." Everyone in the audience laughs at this as do I and Stef. She squeezes my hands as I continue. "But today, I'm more upfront than I have ever been with anyone, and I'm standing here in front of friends and family, making a promise to you, Stefanie Marie Foster, that I will always come to you with all of my fears, hopes and dreams. That I will stand by your side through good times and dark ones. That I will love you and tell you that everyday of your life. You are my best friend. You are my person, and today, I'm so happy," my voice falters some. "I'm so incredibly happy to call you mine."

Stef wipes her eyes before grabbing my hands again. The way she looks at me makes everyone and everything fade away, and it's as if it's just me and her right here, right now in this moment. "I'm not as good with words as you are. You are the writer!" I smile as she says this, and a few laugh. My thumbs run over her soft hands as I can tell she's really nervous.

"Uhhhh," she licks her lips, pausing as she keeps wiping her eyes, and soon Callie hands her a tissue. She winks and kisses her forehead as she wipes her eyes. "I said I wasn't going to cry, and here I am like a blubbering fool!"

She jokes with me, and I mouth to her, "It's ok, love.."

"I'm so grateful for the woman I have become, and I have fully, fully become her partly because of you, and partly because I decided enough was enough. I needed to be me, be proud, and embrace all of me so I could stand here today and make you mine. I promise to cherish you," her voice cracks again as she squeezes the life out of my hands. "I promise to take care of you, and to tell you everyday of our lives just how much I love you and am proud to be your wife."

My heart explodes as she finishes her vows, and soon we are exchanging rings and kissing as wife and wife. When we are introduced as Mrs. and Mrs. Adams Foster, I find myself nuzzling into her neck as she wraps her arms around me. I have never felt more safe and more secure than when I am in her arms. All of this is like a dream come true for me, and as the music plays and we walk hand in hand down the aisle, I feel as if I am floating on cloud nine.

"Kinda cliche, don't you think?" She whispers to me as people line up to congratulate us.

"What is?" I whisper back as we begin hugging and greeting friends and family.

"We said not a traditional wedding, yet here we are!" She winks at me as her Aunt Marlene hugs her and begins talking her ear off.

I'm unable to respond to her right away as we are caught up in the hustle and bustle of greeting everyone and giving hugs and receiving words of congratulations. Finally, we are able to find our way to a private corner, and as we hold hands, Stef pulls me towards her.

"This has to be one of the happiest days of my life, Mrs. Adams Foster," she breathes me in as we begin slow dancing to the music in the background.

I place my hands on her hips as I look into her intense hazel eyes, "Are you disappointed in how it turned out?"

She runs her hands up my back as her forehead rests on mine, "Not at all, baby love..."

Our hips continue to sway in time with the music as we are in a trance of our own. It seems surreal that I am here, in her arms as her wife. We have already been through so much within the last year, and I never dreamed that losing everything in my life would bring me right where I am supposed to be. And the way, she proposed? To say I was shocked is an understatement, yet I was.



"Hurry up, Cals! She'll be home any minute now!"

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