Chapter five

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"What is this? You can't be serious!" Lilly said sounding upset after reading Elena's report on her interview with Jerome. Elena rolled her eyes crossed her arms in frustration.

"That was my impression, so that's how I wrote it. Isn't that what you've taught me?" Elena replied.

"Seriously?" Lilly asked with wide eyes and grabbed Elena's paper and quoted:

"Jerome Valeska is indeed a psychopath. But maybe he is also just a misunderstood and abused boy? He grew up at a circus without a father and with a whore for a mother. She constantly brought different men to the wagon they lived in, where Jerome ate and slept. It would make me go insane too! So maybe it's not his fault, maybe the system just let him down when he needed it the most."

Lilly smashed the paper down at her desk making Elena flinch a bit.

"You can't write this! It is basically telling the students to feel sorry for a murderer, Elena!" she started with her voice raised, "When you said you were going to get a good connection to him..I thought you were kidding." 

Elena rolled her eyes again and threw her hands up saying "I WAS!", but Lilly wasn't convinced.

"You are rewriting this right now!" Lilly said as she made her way to the door and turned around, "And stay here until you are finished!" she said and slammed the door shut. Elena had never seen her this angry. In fact, that was the first time she had seen her angry at all. Feeling frustrated, Elena sat down by the computer she used for her writing. She didn't really think Lilly would be that mad at her. 

But last night Elena thought about her interview with Jerome and it just made sense when she tried to place herself in his shoes. He didn't have anyone to raise him right and he was mentally and physically abused by those around him. No one stepped in and helped him when he needed it the most. Elena could totally relate to that. A guy like Jerome doesn't just become psychotic without a good reason.

She found her recorder that she had used under the interview and decided to listened to it.

"Why don't you leave?" Jerome had asked her.

"Don't you think I have tried? I always get forced back to her prison and then she punishes me!"

She heard Jerome laughing before replying: "HAHAHA, I know the feeling!"

Elena could not help but chuckle. Now she understood the irony he laughed at, but she was too provoked at the time to get it. Then she listened to him when he kept asking if she would have left if she had the choice. Of course she would! But why did he care?

"Oh, but Jiiim, we were just getting to know each other, psycho to psycho ya know?" Jerome whined. What? What did he mean by that? She wasn't a psycho. It made no sense. Although talking to a psychopath isn't supposed to make that much sense, she thought.

"Goodbye gorgeous, until we meet again." he had whispered the last part so only Elena would hear it. Was Jim giving her another interview? Cause that would be nice considering she had so much more questions now. She put her headphones on and turned on her music as she started to rewrite on her computer with a sigh.

Lilly was in the teachers lounge thinking hard as she drank her coffee trying to calm down. But she paced back and forth as she tapped the coffee cup with her finger. What on earth was Elena thinking? Did she really feel sorry for him? Lilly knew Elena was going through a rough time, but this was just too much. She groaned in frustration and turned on the TV to try and get her mind on something else.

"BREAKING NEWS! Criminals such as psychopath Jerome Valeska, cannibal Robert Greenwood and millionaire Richard Sionis have been broken out of Arkham Asylum yesterday! No one knows who or why they were broken out, but the city is now in panic. There is no word out of there where gang is currently hiding so everyone in Gotham or close by is strongly advised to go home and lock their doors!"  the news anchor panicked.

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