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The next few weeks drug on and on. It was announced that I would not be returning to Good Mythical Morning, but Rhett would continue the show just like usual. It was very hard to watch that episode, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

I had gotten a lot more comfortable with my new job as a cashier. I had even been promoted to a lead in the month that I had been there. Devin and I had talked a lot more and I had even started to smile.

I hadn't spoke to Rhett since I walked out of the studio that day. I ignored his phone calls and cut out the lights when he would knock on the door. After a while, it all stopped.  

I missed him, but I didn't let that get to me. I couldn't. 

Moving on was easier without him.

My body was still a magnet for the matches though. 

I used them less, but they still defined the day. I thought about them after work and while I showered. I thought about them constantly.

It had gotten to the point to where I did it just to do it. It didn't matter if I was happy or not, I craved it like a smoker craves menthol.

It was a part of me now.

I had stopped eating though, convincing myself I didn't need to. My stomach hurt like hell, but I pushed through. I got sick at the thought of food.

I stopped watching Good Mythical Morning. It was now a one man show...minus all the other people behind the cameras that is. 

I had almost repainted my thighs in scars. I let them recover long enough to feel them again and then went in for the kill.

I had officially made it through 4 boxes of matches in the past two months. 

Sickening, I thought.

I started to hate myself more and more. I stopped caring about my looks. I gave enough fucks to look decent for work, but that was all. My apartment looked just as bad as I did.

My world turned into a bedroom. A space so small, there was only room for me and my emotions.

When I got angry, I would scream into my pillow. Yelling at myself about how I fucked up and how I didn't deserve this life I was given. Once I punched the headboard of my bed. My knuckles were still bruised. 

When I get sad,  I lay on the cold floor and bury myself in tears. Sometimes I pass out there, and wake up the next morning in more pain than I thought my little body could handle.

I'm pathetic, I think to myself. 

It all hurts so damn much. I want it to end. I want the world to stop spinning, for me to get back on my feet, and be happy again. I want Rhett back. I want him to be with me, to love me, to save me from whatever monster has manifested inside me.

I just want to be who I once was. But he died. 

And it feels like I'm following suit.


Thanks for reading you guys! You're incredible if you are still here wanting updates from little ole' me, when I haven't updated since December.

Thanks for sticking with this story. I hope you enjoy!

Sending hugs and good vibes!

Thanks for being your mythical best!


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