The Beginning

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So for this story to make any sense I should probably start from the beginning right?

My name is Lux Willis, I'm a normal 19 year old girl from Tampa, Florida. Well a least I was till about a year ago. Anyway I now have to flee the state as it's not safe. I have to leave my Dad behind and make new mistakes by myself. He's always been there for me picking up the pieces and putting me back together evrytime I've needed it, and trust me there's been a few.

This is my story, my new life, I'm going to the city of angles and hey maybe I'll find the missing piece of me I've been searching for all these years as this past one has been the toughest I think I'll ever have.


I bend down and pick up the last box and put it onto the truck. The removal man shuts it and smiles at me before heading to the drivers side. I turn back to look at the house. I grew up in this house, so many memories will be left here, the memories of my mom will be left here. 

She died 5 years ago from a heart attack, she was perfectly healthy, just one morning her heart gave up, Stopped. It was weird she was there the night before, her usual bubbly self, smiling, laughing even dancing with no music playing as she used to do when I was little and then she was gone.

Anyway I feel like I have let her down so many times since she's been gone, but this is my fresh start, I'm going to do it right this time. I've graduated High school and found and Internship at a magazine company not too far from where my new apartment is. I'm finally getting my life together. 

The only problem is Dad won't leave Tampa and I can't stay, I have to run. This is an adventure I'm having to do alone and in some ways I'm not sure I want to. I mean Dad has always been there, through the first love, the first heartbreak, and the first court date. He's been there when I have needed him, and it seems like I always need him. I guess he's my Dad and I'm his little girl.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, it's strong and scarred from life, I hold it in mine.

"You ready to leave Bud?"

A tear rolled down my cheek as I turned to face him. He pulled me into one of his strong, warm hugs, the one where you feel safe, protected from any harm. He kissed my forehead before I released him from the hug. 

"As ready as I'll ever be, I'll miss you daddy." 

I started to cry more, he wiped the tears from my cheeks, then he handed me his hankie. 

"Dad, I'm gonna miss you and your perfect timed hugs, but also the perfect timed hankies." 

I managed a small laugh and smile before I wiped my face with the clean hankie, it smelt like him. I went to pass it back to him, but he told me to keep it. I placed it in my hoodie pocket before I walked toward the driver side of my car. He opened the door for me, and smiled his crooked teeth smile. I'm going to miss him.

I kissed his cheek, and sat down in the car. I did my seatbelt as he shut the door. He went to stand back at the front door. I started my engine and began to pull away from the drive. He waved and I flashed a smile before starting my long 3 day journey to L.A.

It was only going to take 3 days as I promised Dad that I wouldn't drive longer than 12 hours a day. So I have booked a hotel in Dallas and New Mexico and then the third day I will get to L.A, and see my new apartment. 

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