The Beginning Of The Date...

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Time had flown by since I had initially called Luke.

Daxton had helped me pick out a navy blue floral dress with either my white wedges or my white leather converse. I opted for the converse as I'm the kind of girl who wears converse with her dresses. 

Anyway I had showered, dressed and done my hair & make up, as the clock was creeping up to the time of my date. I was nervous, it was the first time I had been on a date since the thing in Tampa broke out. I suppose it was more due to the fact I didn't want to date either.

I picked my white tassel bag, which daxton also helped me choose, before heading to the living room. Daxton and Sully were spooning on the couch watching TV. It was moments like these I realised how cute they were together. 

They both jumped up from the couch when they saw me appear in the room. Daxton did the hand gesture for twirl so I did, they both told me I looked beautiful. Sully kissed Daxton thanking him for his help on my behalf. 

Daxton's phone then began to ring, this made us all jump as it was a little early to be my date, he answered nodding and smiling not giving away who was on the phone, he then swiftly hung up. 

"So who was it?" Sully asked, as if the suspense was killing him.

"It was Miss Lovely over theres date, he's early but said he was ready whenever she was." He grinned.

All of a sudden the nerves had began to stream round my body, I was terrified, this guy is a rockstar and I'm nothing also I have so much baggage that comes with me what on earth does he want with me? 

I was now being pushed to the door by Sully, I think he could tell I was starting to get cold feet and needed a little encouragement. Once at the door the pair hugged me before opening it and lightly pushing me out.

I could see a Black Audi in the car park that wasn't usually there, then a tall blondish haired boy got out of the drivers side. I recognised him from the night before so walked down to meet him. He kissed me on the cheek before opening the passenger door so I could get in. I awkwardly waited as he got in taking in my surroundings.

I had no idea where we were going but the car journey was fun, we talked and then one of the 5 Seconds Of Summer songs that I loved came on the radio. It was a song that used to make me think of my mum and I don't know why, anyway without thinking I began to sing along.

"Wow you can really sing!" Luke said, which sharply brought me back down to earth. All I could do was blush and then I stopped singing Beside You before I embarrassed myself anymore.

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