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I stood looking out at the Ocean, Florida was so beautiful. I loved living here, being with my family, my friends, my boyfriend.

Someones arms wrapped around me from behind, I could smell his cologne, It was familiar and sweet smelling. It was someone I used to feel safe around but now alarm bells were ringing, telling me to run. 

They let go and spun me around, the smile left my face when my eyes met theirs. They noticed and grabbed my arm pulling me towards the car park. They pushed mt into the car slaming the door behind me, tears began to run down my face as fear set in. I tried to get out but the doors were locked. 

Soon he was there, he was beside me. He was trying to act as if nothing had ever happened, kissing me, holding me, but I couldn't forget. He slapped me, across my left cheek, his ring caught my face and made a small gash on my cheek. I tried not to cry more but I couldnt help myself.


Panic set in and I wanted oout of this situation but I couldn't leave, the dooers were locked and there was no where to go. I was trapped.

I felt like I couldnt breathe, that the air from my lungs wa slowly going to run out and I would die here. And if that wasn't how I was going to die, he would sure as hell make sure I did. 

I started gasping for air. I'm going to die here. I just know it.

I felt a hand on my arm, it was soft unlike the hands before.

"Lux wake up" they were saying over and over. I recognised the voice it was Sully. 

Slowly my eyes began to open. I was hot, a mixture of sweat and tears were rolling down my face. I sat up as he sat next to me, pulling me into a warm embrace. 

"It's alright sweetie, it's over He's not going to get you anymore." He whispered into my hair as he pulled me closer to him. I wans't gasping for air as much now and was starting to calm down.

"You should try to get some more rest, you can sleep in my room if you like as I noticed earlier you hadn't unpacked your room." He whispered again.

I hadn't relised that I had fell asleep on the couch and it was true earlier Daxton and I had only unpacked the kitchen stuff. I shook my head though to Sully's offer, I couldn't sleep again, not now, not after what had happened. I looked downa t my arm and saw the cluster of bruises.

"I need to keep busy, sorry for waking you, go back to sleep, I promise I'll be fine, I'm just going to unpack." I tried to sound as normal as possible to reasure Sully that all was fine but he knew me too well so offered to help me unpack.

Night turned into day, and I was almost completely unpacked bar a few items of clothing that needed to be sorted and put into my closet. Sully had fell asleep around 2am this morning on my matress so i had pulled my blanket over him. 

It was now about 9am and I decided it was safe to turn my phone back on. The unknown number hadn't texted again since yesterday and I had a missed call from dad, the voicemailhe left was funny as he still couldn't understand how to end calls on his smart phone. He wanted to know if I had arrived safetly and all was ok.

I was about to call him back when there was a knock at the door...

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