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Life was a game, with its ups and downs. Sometimes at the end you would be able to cross paths with the sun rays, leading us to a brighter future and sometimes the darkness will flood.

Walking confidenty with my mother through the crowded streets of Verona, our city, we decided to go to the shopping mall since we needed more food. Those last days it had been finishing sooner than we predicted. Maybe it's because we have been sharing it with our neighbors, since those times we had been in crisis, economic crisis.

This cursed city has its own flaws, but i do not care much as long as I feel 'happy'.

Happy life.

This word made me puke. And how can we have a chance to live a happy life if our so called 'independent lives' do not joy the independence that everyone claims that our lives have.

Everyone followed the rules, some rules that could also lead you to an inevitable ending, death.

Independence and breaking the rules— those two sides of the balance, the one cursed by the Lucifer itself and the other one, well blessed. Somehow.

The old ones have ruled over the world with the help of those damn laws. And the ones who suffered the most were we, the simple people born in a simple village.

Especially girls. And i was one of those life's prisoners, life was my own prison.

"Mom." I said with an annoyed voice. "Please stop."

Again the same discussion, which would give me a headache if she would not stop any time soon. She was going on about how I should have kids in the near future. But I had just turned 18 for God's sake which means i am still young to be in a serious relationship and give birth to a baby.

To my own child.

However there is something that prevents me from those sudden pregnancies and she knows that very well. When I think about those girls who become parents with their own acknowledge, even if its for our town's sake, I am not ready.

I don't want to sacrifice myself. It's something personal, but if you sit down and think for a moment, we can't take care of ourselves properly, it would be a disaster to raise a child now.

"I think my grandchildren would be beautiful." she continues with these nonsense again but she was smiling animatedly. Her big smile was just like sun, brightening my dark world. The way her eyes were sparkling filled my sad heart me with happiness.

Well that's my mom, a cheerful person who can't stop caring about what I want and what I need. The only person who knows me the best, who stayed by my side in good and in bad.

Even after my father's death, she stayed strong for me, despite the fact that her soul cried and she was shattered her eyes never showed it. Never.

"Who would be the father?" I asked with a smirk. She can not answer to this questin. Pausing for a moment she thought and smiled.

"Anyone as long as you love them. Also I was teasing dear I don't want to even think about you having kids for a long, long, time." she said.

"Thank you." I said. In our world now though, people are starting to have kids really young.

They are scared that the vampires are going to kill them at any moment and we should have more fighters. For centuries the vampire were in hiding, keeping themselves a mystery. One day though they became fed up with hiding.

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