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Chapter 1

(Your POV)

I woke up early because my boyfriend, Taehyung, said he wanted to talk, but I also needed to talk to him. tomorrow morning, I'm leaving Korea to go to the U.S. While I was getting ready, I kept think about how I would tell him. Once I was done getting ready I texted Taehyung that I was on my way. When I got to our meeting place I saw Tae, but holding another girl's hand. As I approached them, they both stood up and looked at each other.

Once I was face to face with them, Tae finally spoke in a serious tone "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm breaking up with you, I'm in love with Sana". I couldn't breathe, move, or speak I just stood there like a statue. Then as they started to walk away I finally summed up the words and yelled "Taehyung I loved you! Why?! What did I do?! You know what!? Goodbye! I'm leaving for the US tomorrow! I hope I never see you!! Ever again!" and ran away crying.

(Author's POV)

The next day you woke up with a crazy headache and you recalled what happened the day before. You also recalled crying for hours, and worrying your parents, but you still got up and got ready to leave for America. An hour before you left for the airport, you went to the Café nearby. As you walked in you saw Taehyung and Sana.

But you held in you tears and bought yourself a muffin and a small coffee. But before you could walk out of the shop, you heard Taehyung and Sana giggling and laughing. At that point you ran out, crying again, because you remember how you and Tae used to laugh like that, But you just remembered, if he did love you, why would he hurt you? Maybe it's not his choice? Nah, Taehyung isn't the type to just give up, but then why? You thought while running away.

After you left the Café, you went home. And you and your parents drove to the airport. While you where driving you just kept thinking...

Don't tell me why, why
You made me cry, cry
Love is a lie, lie
Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me
Bye, bye...

As you boarded the plane, you realized you wouldn't see Korea or Taehyung for years.... but maybe it was fate?.....

To be continued...

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