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Chapter 4
(Author's POV)

That's when it hit you...
"T-Taehyung?" You manages to say. He just looked at you confused. "Um hello, but who are you?" He said still looking confused. Has he forgotten about me? Or is he just pretending? "Hi I'm Y/n"

(Tae's POV)

How come that sounds familiar? How come I feel like hugging her? Who is she? How does she know me? Why do I miss her?
"Um...Hi"I said still confused on why she seems so familiar. There was an awkward silence but Hoseok broke it, "COME ON IM HUNGRY!!" We all just laughed and walked to the kitchen.

The entire time Y/n kept glancing at me. She looked angry. Did I offend her by not remembering her???? Or maybe she's just not in the mood? These thoughts kept filling my head. After eating we all went to the living room to watch a K-drama, "Hwarang". After we watched a little we bid our goodbyes except for Hoseok, he was staying the night. I hope I see Y/n again...

(Your POV)


Hoseok~ "Because... I knew you'd react like this before you found out about his accident..."

Y/n~ "Accident?"

Hoseok~ "Ya... after you left for the US, him and Sana broke up. When they did he fell into a depression. Not because of Sana but because he missed you.."

Y/n~ "He missed me?"

Hoseok~ "Yes soo much, that he tried to overdose. But it didn't kill him, it just damaged a part of his brain, the part that remembered you... he doesn't remember you. He doesn't even remember Sana."

Y/n~ "He's the one that cheated! And how do you know? You guys met 4 years ago! I left 6 years ago!"

Hoseok~ " Sana and Tae lasted for 3 years!!! So when I met him he was still with Sana! But Sana was cheating on him... she had been cheating on him since the beginning..."

Y/n~ "Oh... but will he ever regain his memory?"

Hoseok~ "Yes but not that fast... the overdose damage takes long to heal.."

Y/n~ "Oh..."

Hoseok~ "Why were you asking?"

Y/n~ "Because... I... I st-still love him.."

Hoseok~ "WHAT?!"

Y/n~ "I love him. He might have left me, but you said he missed me... and I never hated him. I still love him, Hoseok"

Hoseok~ "Aish this kid! Well I won't tell you to stop loving him, but please don't hurt him, he's been through a lot since you left."

Y/n~ "I promise. And tomorrow I have to go to Bighit because I'm applying for a staff job.."


Y/n~ "Ya and I'm tired so goodnight Hoseok!"

Hoseok~ "Goodnight child"

I hope he'll start to remember me... I really do still love you, Kim Taehyung. But if you really did love me before, why would you leave me? Agh whatever! I'm going to bed... I'll see you in my dreams...Taehyung...

(The next morning, still Your POV)

Wow that was a great sleep! Ahh time to go to the Bighit company. I hope I see Hoseok and Taehyung.

(Author's POV)

As you were walking towards the building, you couldn't stop think about Tae and how you really wanted to see him.

Y/n~ "Hi"

Receptionist~ "Hey sweetie! You have the diploma?"

Y/n~ "Yep" and you gave her the diploma

Receptionist~ "Ahh thank you! And welcome to Bighit!"

Y/n~ "Ah thank you so much! What will I be doing?"

Receptionist~ "You'll be an assistant to a group...BTS and you'll start tomorrow, and all you have to do is...well just help them out with things they need help with. And PLEASE DO NOT FLIRT! But I can tell you're not THAT type of girl, SO WELCOME!"

Y/n~ "Ah thank you so much! What should I call you?"

Receptionist~ "Call me auntie! I don't like labels. Plus practically every employee younger than me call me that."

Y/n~ "Ahahah! You can't be THAT old! You look so young!"

Auntie~ "Aw thank you but I like being old😂😂 makes me feel superior!"

Y/n~ "😂true! Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow Auntie! Bye and thank you again!"

Auntie~ "Bye sweetheart!"
And you walked out of the building.

(Your POV)

Wow I can't believe I'm gonna be working with Hoseok and BTS....but that means I'm gonna have to see Taehyung everyday...maybe if he sees me more, he'll remember me? But what if he doesn't? You know what I'm just gonna wish for the best! Aish I can't help to think about why'd he'd leave me then miss me, when he's the one who left. Agh whatever let's just pretend that we don't know each other, but what if he does remember me, will he want me back? I miss you Kim Taehyung... please come back to me...

To be continued...

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