"I love you"

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Chapter 12

(Author's POV)

*Day after the shoot*

It was another hot day in Hawaii. You and Taehyung were on the beach hanging out. Everyone got a day off, since most of the members were getting their hair dyed.
Hair colors:
Jk~ light brown to black
Yg~ blonde to black
Nj~ white to light grey
J~ purple to blonde
Jh~ orange to brown
And Jimin kept his hair pink. But he still went with them, wait no, not them, Yoongi. That ship is real! Y O O N M I N ! Anyways... you and Taehyung were on the beach being all kilig(cute). He was carrying you, making you laugh, being the best boyfriend.... just like before.

(Y/n POV)

I wish this day never ends!

(Author's POV)

After you and Taehyung got back from the beach; you and him washed up and went to a restaurant.

*At the restaurant*

You both dressed up. You wore a black skirt with a white shirt tucked in, and sneakers. Taehyung wore (you choose). You both walked to a restaurant to eat some lunch. You called the waiter over and ordered
Y/n: a chicken salad
Taehyung: (choose)

A few minutes later your waiter came over with your food. He slowly handed Tae's food to Tae. And when it came to you, he got nervous and shy.

Y/n~ "Aw why are you shy?"

Waiter~ "Um... well hopefully your boyfriend won't kill me, but you're really pretty."

You sat there shocked and slowly looked at Taehyung who was in just as much shock as you.

Y/n~ "Aw! THANK YOU!" You said happily and hugged him.

Waiter~ "Um n-n-no problem... s-sorry I...have to go... but before that, what's your name?" He said nervously.

Y/n~ "Y/n! What's yours?"

Waiter~ "Taeyong... are you guys just visiting?"

Y/n~ "Yes, for one month. Why'd you ask?"

Waiter~ "I was hoping that I could show you guys around... if that's ok with you guys..."

Y/n~ "Yes! Of course! Right Taehyung?!" You said excitedly.

Tae~ "Yep! We'd love a tour!"

Taeyong~ "Great! Here's my number!" He quickly whipped out his notepad and a pen and wrote his number. He handed you the paper.

Y/n~ "GREAT! We'll call or text you when we're free ok? We'll text you.....hmph.... we'll text you "Hey there Taeyong-ie!" so you know it's us! Ok?"

Taeyong~ "Yep! Well I got to go so, bye Y/n and Taehyung!" He said as he bowed and walked away.

*After eating*

After eating you went to pay for the food. And ironically Taeyong was the cashier.

Y/n~ "And we meet again!"

Taeyong~ "Yep! By the way... how old are you guys?"

Y/n~ "I'm 21! And Tae is 22"

Taeyong~ "So you guys are actually dating?"

Taehyung~ "Yep!"

Taeyong~ "Aw how cute! I wish I had a girlfriend! I'm so lonely...."

Y/n~ "Aw!"

Taeyong~ "ANYWAYS.... lets pay!"

Y/n~ "Okie!"

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