Richpez - Soulmate AU

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I can't lie to you and say that I wasn't disappointed with my tattoo. It was a constant thing to hear someone say, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I often didn't even notice when people said it in public anymore. I just had to rely on whoever my soulmate was to know, and hope that whatever I say isn't super common too, so they hadn't blocked out everyone who says it just as I had. My parents were disappointed with my tattoo too. They were both very liberal and open, but I knew they already judged this mystery person for cursing the first time I meet them.

Whoever it was, I didn't meet them in high school, and I was very happy about that. It wasn't until college that I thought I may have met my soulmate. Someone told me her name was Lauren, and she was beautiful. Even if she wasn't my soulmate, I couldn't help but feel a really strong attraction toward her. We were at a party with a bunch of other theatre and music kids, and even though it was definitely more of a rager than a frat party, I still remember her meeting her clear as day.

She and I had found ourselves in the kitchen with a group of other people; I still hadn't worked up the courage to talk to her, and I watched as she talked to one of her friends and tried to think of something to say to her. I decided that I would probably need a little liquid courage, so I got myself a glass of whatever the hell Darren had made, and started to drink. It was jungle juice. I absolutely hated jungle juice. Don't ask me how, but a few weeks ago I discovered that jungle juice tastes much better if you bite the ends off of Red Vines and use them as a straw. I thanked god that I had brought a small package with me and kept them in my pocket for when I got drunk hungry later in the night.

"Does anyone want a Red Vine?" I asked to the small group that was in the kitchen.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I hear Lauren say almost directly after I had spoke.

I gaped at her for a minute hoping that she had heard me say the magical first phrase of her soul mate, but it seemed she was just talking to her friend and didn't even notice me. Well, a guy can always hope. Darren, and both Brians pulled me away from thinking about Lauren because they all wanted to try the Red Vine straw trick. I pulled out the package and showed them how to do it, and we spent a good sum of the party seeing who could drink their jungle juice the quickest through a Red Vine. Brian Holden ended up winning and said something about going to tell Meredith of his accomplishment. The three of us who were left just laughed and finished our drinks. I pulled out my now alcohol covered Red Vine and ate it quickly bidding goodbye to Darren and Brian.

I was drunk enough now that I wanted to go find Lauren and try and talk to her. I was hoping she wasn't one of those people who wouldn't talk and be flirty with people because she was waiting to meet her soulmate. I don't even want to think about mine right now. All I could think about was Lauren and how I was hoping I could try to kiss or something. I found her on the back porch of the house, and without the girl she was talking to earlier. She looked kind of sad, and I immediately had to cheer her up.

"Where's your friend?" I asked walking over to sit beside her.

She jumped when I spoke, not realizing I was there when I first walked out, and I could feel her tense up a little. I didn't blame her since she didn't know me and we were drunk at a party. I know what happens to girls at things like this, so I gave a lot of space to try and ease her nerves.

"She's somewhere making out with Darren." she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh, are they soulmates? Darren didn't mention-"

"They're not." She said cutting me off. "Not like that matters anyway. Who would want to be completely clueless when they actually do meet their soulmate? Besides I want to choose my own destiny. What if I hate my soulmate? It's my choice, not the worlds."

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