Richpez - Hogwarts AU

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I didn't really know her the first couple years of school. I was a first year, and she was a third year. Even though she and I were in the same house it's not like we'd do more than say "Hi." to each other in passing. Although, out of everyone in Hufflepuff, she was probably the funniest. I've known that since the day I met her. She was the first person I noticed. It seems romantic now, that she was the first person out of everyone in the entire house that I noticed. The real reason is that I noticed her because she made the mashed potatoes that were on her friend, Meredith's plate explode everywhere. Meredith was not happy, and neither were the surrounding people that now had gravy dripping off of them, but Lauren just laughed and cleaned Meredith up with a wave of her wand. Ever since that had happened, I knew I was in the right house.

I didn't really see Lauren much after that during my first year. When I did see her, she was usually laughing. Probably at a prank that she pulled on someone. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if every house point we lost was because of her. No one really seemed to care that she lost us probably 100 points a week, even the upper years seemed to be unbothered by it. After the war, everyone could appreciate a good prank and humor a little more.

I'm a muggleborn, so I wouldn't know anything about the war until I came to Hogwarts. It was only two years ago, so everyone was still recovering. There were places in the castle that the Professors didn't like us to go, and everyone who had been there to experience it seemed to carry themselves a little differently than the rest of us. It was scary sometimes watching the older kids jump at certain things, or get a far off look in their eyes anytime someone would mention the war. I think that's why Lauren liked pranks so much. She could make people laugh, and get their minds off of the horrible past that was experienced not too long ago.

It was my second year when I found out that Lauren had lost her dad in the war. I found her in the common room, alone and crying. I asked her if she was okay and even though it was 3 AM and we had maybe one conversation beforehand, she told me everything and cried to me for about an hour.

"He was always pulling pranks and joking. He was just happy. Sometimes it's so hard to do though, because I'm always so sad." She told a 12 year old me, while staring into the fireplace.

"I bet he appreciates how hard you work to keep his memory alive." I said back as I watched her carefully, afraid she may break again at any moment.

We didn't talk much after that, but Lauren was always extra nice to me when she did see me. She'd always ask how I was, and she'd usually give me a prank candy from Weasleys Wizard Wheezes to use on one of the boys in my year. They always joked about it and wondered how I could get a fourth year girl  to want to speak to me. I'd always just shrug my shoulders and laugh with them. They were right though, how did I get a fourth year girl to speak to me.

It wasn't until my third year that I really got to speak to her more. We were both in frog choir; honestly thinking back on it I probably only joined because of her. She was a soprano, and I a tenor, and we actually ended up standing next to her. Meredith was there too, but she was an alto, so she was only able to stand by us when we mixed out of our sections. When Professor Flitwick wasn't working with the sopranos or tenors, Lauren and I would often make jokes, or make ribbit noises to make Flitwick think someone's frog was acting up. Meredith would always shoot us daggers from across the room, which only made us laugh harder. We even set off fireworks during one of our performances, which made Flitwick cry... I still feel kinda bad about that one. It was very funny at the time though.

"Lauren, if it wasn't enough you have to lose us points all the time, now you've brought Joey into it too? Meredith scolded us after said instance that had lost us 500 points, and a month worth of detention.

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