Richpez - Kisses

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"You've kissed me like fifty times today, Jojo!"

"And is there something wrong with that?" Joey asked, looking up at her from where he was positioned on the couch.

"Of course not!"

"Good because I intend to kiss you fifty more, and then fifty more after that, and fifty more after that."

"Only 200 times then? You're weak, Richter." Lauren joked, running her hand through his hair.

Joey laid his head back on her chest, and Lauren felt the vibration from his laugh. "Only weak when it involves you." She smiled and kissed the top of his head gently.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was playing in the background and Lauren could feel her partner mouthing the words against her body. Maybe it was the actor in him, or maybe they've just seen this movie one too many times, maybe it was a little of both; regardless, Lauren felt an overwhelming amount of love for the man laying on her chest, cuddled with her own the couch right now.

"Hey!" She said placing her hand under his chin and bringing him up for a kiss.

"What was that for?"

"I just love you."

Joey gave the girl laying under him his lopsided grin and another kiss before working his arms under her and squeezing the two of them tightly together. "Please don't leave me tomorrow." He sighed into her chest.

"Don't remind me."

Joey sat squeezing her maybe, a little too tight, but he couldn't help it. Letting go meant she'd be able to leave him and he didn't know if he could handle another 3 weeks without her. It was torture. Distance sucked.

"I wish I could just move out here." Lauren whispered into her boyfriends hair.

Joey released his grip on her, and pulled back sitting himself up on one arm. "So why don't you?"


"I'm serious! We could move in together. It would take some work and we'd have to save up and we'd have to hunt for something good but it would be worth it. Anything would be worth getting to see you everyday."

Lauren replied with an intense kiss.

"Is this really something you'd want to do? Like start our life together." She asked quietly, still holding his face up to hers.

"I want that more than anything, but I understand if you're not ready."

"Joey Richter." Lauren whispered, before kissing him again.

"How many was that?" Joey asked, pulling away from their kissing session.

"I lost count."

"Hmm." Joey pushed himself up and got off the couch, offering the girl laying there his hand. "Guess we better go restart."

Lauren laughed, accepted his hand, and let the man she was about to start a new chapter of her life with pull her to his soon to be old bedroom. 

A/N: This one was easy and hard for me to write. It's loosely based off of how I feel when I have to leave my girlfriend. We're very lucky to only be 5 hours away but she's a full time student and I'm about to start a 40 hour a week job and I used to have one that was like 35 so getting to see each other is hard and it hurts and it sucks. I really feel for anyone who does distance it's so worth it but it's also so heartbreaking. I can't even tell you guys how hard it is. I always squeeze my girlfriend really tight when I think about it because I'm afraid of the next day when we have to say goodbye again. It really sucks and it's really hard but when you meet the love of your life it's worth it. Love you guys thank you for reading and thank you for letting me be emo!

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