~Chapter 2~

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~Chapter 2~

She Arrived at her old home and was feeling a little emotional over all the precious memorabilia she lost all because of the fire that started,but she held it in and entered

Through the front fainted paint fence.

Sakura notices toys,photos,and some burnt up clothing scattered around the dirt

Remains of the floor.

As sakura passes by some furniture covered with ash ,she spotted something that somewhat looked like a jewelry box.

She bent down and picked things off of the box so she could get to it and then she picked up the jewelry box herself.Sakura started looking around at the box to see if she found anything on the outside of the box.As she was looking , she came across a carving

At the bottom on the box,so she dusted it off to see what it said.

"S+S?"Sakura said as she blows off the dust "Maybe it's supposed to be mommy and daddy's name?Well I'm not sure,but for now I'll take it home."

Sakura shoves the box in under her arm and ran off so she won't get caught by her mother.

"Sakura where were you?"Said Sakura's mom waiting at the front of her new house.

"I was already gonna call Lady a Tsunade to call a search party for you!"

"I'm Sorry I was just talking a little walk,because I felt like I was in jail always being stuck in the house."

"Uhh ,What am I going to do with you"Sakura's mom said as she smiled while coming closer to her daughter."Next time tell me when your going for a walk so I won't be so worried for you."

"Ok."Sakura said

"ok now go upstairs and start unpacking some of the things you have in you room ok."Her mom said while smiling.

"Ok Mommy."She says as she rushes into the house and runs upstairs while almost tripping.

She runs in her room and quickly shuts her door behind her and locking it so that no one could get in just in case so that her parents don't catch her looking inside the box.Sakura places her hands on both ends and takes a deep breath just in case theirs something cool in their,She opens the Box to find a deep blue amulet and at the bottom some old looking photos of a Girl and a Boy looking at the age of 16 or 17.

"This doesn't look like Mommy or Daddy,so who could it be?"She says guessing to herself "And who does this amulet belong to?"


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Authors Note:I hope it's getting good , now I have to update some other books and boy do I have a lot to do XD

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